Ummm, one of these chickens is suspiciously squirrelly. This fluff-tailed bantam (?) joined our supervised free range time today. He sipped from the random water bowl just like the rest of the flock, then retreated to the tree line when he realized I was a human. Come by anytime!
#petsquirrel #petchickens #freerangechickens #foraging #PolishChicken #whitecrestedblackpolish #Kahlo #greysquirrel #GwinnettCounty #zone7b
The Saga of the Road Turtle.
Spotted, mid road crossing, near my driveway. Kindly helped to cross safely. Knocked, but no one answered. The door to the shell was solidly shut. Came back an hour later for a welfare check. Now half buried under pine needles, actively digging deeper. Hibernation? Shy?
#Georgia #turtle #turtlecrossing #wildlife #zone7b #tribblemill #GwinnettCounty #boxturtle #easternboxturtle

No one is more dedicated to the piñata than Donna. If you don’t already hang treats for your chickens, you should start. It is endlessly entertaining, for humans and chickens alike. I recommend a height *just* high enough so that they have to jump. Jumping chickens are hilarious!
#petchickens #silkie #donnamartin #gloriavanderbuilt #Gretchen #SicilianButtercup #pinata #backyardchickens #partygames #bitterlettuce #zone7b
We’ve been living a lie! I was just informed that Violet is a Dark Brahma! I thought she was a Cochin. Did she lie to me? Did I lie to her? I feel like she knew and didn’t tell me. Does this change anything? Where do we go from here? I think we’ll take a few days to process and then discuss our action plan. Who else isn’t what they say they are?! Are these even chickens? Was that a quack?
#misidentified #scandal #darkbrahma #Brahma #petchicken #chickenselfie #chickenportrait #wattlemodel #VioletZindars #beautyqueen #biggirl #backyardchickens
Kahlo knows I am following her around to get a picture with ZERO tail feathers and seems rather peeved about it. Bryce does not understand what I am doing but is generally psychotic about everything so keeps sprinting away and squawking even though I am not following her.
#petchickens #myflock #molting #friendsnotfood #backyardchickens #Kahlo #brycedallashoward #WhiteLacedRedCornish #whitecrestedblackpolish
Sweet Cubes! This is like relish but chunkier and better. You’d love it.
Directions: Cube a bunch of veggies, boil in vinegar/sugar, process in the canner.
This was four small #zucchini and six #cucumbers from my #CSA that started this week, two onions and six peppers from my own garden. I cut them, salted and then soaked in ice water for two hours. Drain.
Next, I brought 5 cups of vinegar and 4 cups of sugar to boil and added a handful of mustard seed and dill seed. Add the drained veggies and boil for 10 minutes.
Fill the jars and process for 10 minutes as recommended by your canning method. I got two big jars and two pints.
#canning #FallCSA #homegrown #wastenotwantnot #sweetcubes #homemaderelish #zucchinirelish #growningeorgia #eatlocal #ballcanning
Now it feels like fall. I pulled nearly all the summer crops out of the garden today. I found a couple of onions, the last of the #CherokeePurple tomatoes, saved some marigolds seeds and rescued a gorgeous red bell pepper from the weeds. The peppers are still producing so they got to stay but that’s about it! I need to go pick up some winter crop seedlings for the chickens winter snacks!
#gardeningingeorgia #zone7b #fallingeorgia #bonnieplants #tinyfarmer #eatlocal
Now that we’re out of CA… We were supposed to run our 1984 300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha in the 40th anniversary of the cannonball but it’s transmission had other ideas. So we loaded the E63 Wagon full of tools with the plan to help other teams on the run from NYC to LA. We helped a few teams but all before the crossing. As the sun came up on the second day I realized we could get a pretty good time so we picked up the pace and arrived at The Portofino in 33 hours and 2 minutes. What a way to see the country with a great group of people. #cannonball #c2cexpress #mercedes #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon #e63s #amg
For those that knew what #ProjectDirtyBertha was being built for, her transmission lost 2nd and 3rd gear 45 miles into the trip to NYC. I tried to buy a parts car that day for a swap but ran out of time to make the start line so the E63 Wagon stepped in. All went well and we are currently hanging out in Los Angeles for a few days. #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63swagon #e63s
Bryce, for the millionth time, you cannot hatch Ruthie! She is your sister. You are both two years old. Why do I have to explain this to you? That protective wing is ridiculous!
#broodies #BroodyBunch #broodybesties #broodychicken #petchicken #nestingbox #tinyfarm #silkie #WhiteLacedRedCornish #brycedallashoward #ruthbaderginsburg
Girl gang. These four live together in the rooster free coop and choose to spend their free ranging time together too. I love all my chickens equally (but these are my favorites)! Top to bottom: Becky with the Good Hair, Violet Zindars, Donna Martin and Kahlo.
#squad #squadgoals #petchickens #PolishChicken #Cochin #silkie #partridgesilkie #besties #dirtbath #flockgoals #noboysallowed #beckywiththegoodhair #donnamartin
Moving sale! While I respect Turkey Vultures as an important part of the ecosytem and recognize their common bird characteristics, they are terrifying nightmare-birds with freakishly large wingspans that cannot share my space. The monsters are napping in my front yard, waiting for the cover of darkness. I will begin packing. Goodbye house!
#turkeyvulture #terror #unacceptable #carnivores #bigbird #nightmarebirds
Pickled Coolapeños! I don’t like hot peppers so when I saw the #coolapenos seedlings I knew they were for me! Then I had a pile on the counter and knew I needed a recipe. These are just a quick pickle with vinegar, sugar and salt. Easy to make and the result is crunchy and tangy but not hot. Winner!
#quickpickle #pickling #preservation #homegrown #zone7b #coolapeno #jalepeno #canning #farmtotable #bonnieplants #ballcanning
If you’re going to spend the evening with Dirty Bertha… I recommend long sleeves and a ski mask. Thanks to help last weekend from my brother @tukes23 and dad every ball joint, bearing and rubber component in the steering, driveline and suspension has been replaced along with an all new upgraded braking system. Should drive like a new 40 year old car… #mercedes #w123 #300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha