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Ummm, one of these chickens is suspiciously squirrelly. This fluff-tailed bantam (?) joined our supervised free range time today. He sipped from the random water bowl just like the rest of the flock, then retreated to the tree line when he realized I was a human. Come by anytime!

Ummm, one of these chickens is suspiciously squirrelly. This fluff-tailed bantam (?) joined our supervised free range time today. He sipped from the random water bowl just like the rest of the flock, then retreated to the tree line when he realized I was a human. Come by anytime!
#petsquirrel #petchickens #freerangechickens #foraging #PolishChicken #whitecrestedblackpolish #Kahlo #greysquirrel #GwinnettCounty #zone7b

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