Month: February 2020

Jesse’s Instagram

It's not warm and it's not sunny but these tulips make me believe in spring. I bet they have to be replanted every year due to squirrel consumption. Worth it!

It’s not warm and it’s not sunny but these tulips make me believe in spring. I bet they have to be replanted every year due to squirrel consumption. Worth it!
#tulips #Alabama #birminghamalabama #pinktulips #springtime #bulbs

Jesse’s Instagram

I've been hoodwinked! I've had this h*cking rooster in a cushy isolation area for seven days. Seven days of handmade meals delivered to his straw-lined, temperature controlled, batchelor pad. Seven days of him just staring at me and not taking a single step while I worried about him favoring one leg. Seven days of catering to blueberry and scratch preferences. I decided to bring him out to visit his hennies tonight and he sprints off like he's a track star. Can you see when it looks directly at me and essentially laughs in my face? We were enemies before and we are enemies still. Well played Sonia.

I’ve been hoodwinked! I’ve had this h*cking rooster in a cushy isolation area for seven days. Seven days of handmade meals delivered to his straw-lined, temperature controlled, batchelor pad. Seven days of him just staring at me and not taking a single step while I worried about him favoring one leg. Seven days of catering to blueberry and scratch preferences. I decided to bring him out to visit his hennies tonight and he sprints off like he’s a track star. Can you see when it looks directly at me and essentially laughs in my face? We were enemies before and we are enemies still. Well played Sonia.
#rooster #silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #petrooster #backyardchickens #faker #played #GwinnettCounty #petsofinstagram

Jesse’s Instagram

It might be too early but I'll enjoy this little pop of color anyway. I've never had a daffodil in this exact spot before. I assume the local squirrel landscaping crew was here.

It might be too early but I’ll enjoy this little pop of color anyway. I’ve never had a daffodil in this exact spot before. I assume the local squirrel landscaping crew was here.
#zone7b #daffodil #daffodils #springtime #squirrels #bulbs

Jesse’s Instagram

The Red at the top of the hill is really showing up all of the other this year! It has palm sized flowers, huge buds and I can spot it from across the yard. Very impressive.

The Red #Camellia at the top of the hill is really showing up all of the other #camellias this year! It has palm sized flowers, huge buds and I can spot it from across the yard. Very impressive.
#zone7b #annuals #redcamellia #nursery #GwinnettCounty #newvariety #deerresistant

Jesse’s Instagram

Hey Kay! All the girls were enjoying a group dig in the leaf pile but Kahlo decided to observe from above. Too pretty to dig.

Hey Kay! All the girls were enjoying a group dig in the leaf pile but Kahlo decided to observe from above. Too pretty to dig.
#fridakahlo #PolishChicken #whitecrestedblackpolish #petchickens #backyardchickens #Kahlo #topknot #GwinnettCounty

Jesse’s Instagram

Glo is taking credit for the first full size eggs I've seen in a long time. We're all looking forward to spring. Thanks #puxatawneyphil!

Glo is taking credit for the first full size eggs I’ve seen in a long time. We’re all looking forward to spring. Thanks #puxatawneyphil!
#oliveegger #homegrown #petchickens #gloriavanderbuilt #groundhogday #GwinnettCounty