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One minute of Donna Martin preening, post dust bath. Can you see how weighted down she is with dirt? She normally reads as light and fluffy. Can you see the disdain with which she looks at me? As though I am invading her privacy? Chicken, I built that dirt pile for you and I can take it away!

One minute of Donna Martin preening, post dust bath. Can you see how weighted down she is with dirt? She normally reads as light and fluffy. Can you see the disdain with which she looks at me? As though I am invading her privacy? Chicken, I built that dirt pile for you and I can take it away!
#Silkie #dirtbath #dirtpile #backyardpoultry #donnamartin #silkies #chickenvideo #petchickens #dirtball #broody #broodyhen

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