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Well, this year the squirrels are beating out fungus in the race to destroy the nectarines. It wasn't even close. I think they'll have the whole tree cleared this week. Last year it was a much closer race with fungus taking at least 50% of the crop before the squirrels caught on. Now, what will get the apples? Will it be these same champion squirrels or will the ever vigilant worms find an opening? Only time will tell.

Well, this year the squirrels are beating out fungus in the race to destroy the nectarines. It wasn’t even close. I think they’ll have the whole tree cleared this week. Last year it was a much closer race with fungus taking at least 50% of the crop before the squirrels caught on. Now, what will get the apples? Will it be these same champion squirrels or will the ever vigilant worms find an opening? Only time will tell.
#fruittree #nectarinetree #ornamentaltree #zone7b #gardenpests #appletree #orchard #gsrdenfail

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