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I did not get new chicks. These are the same babies...but so much bigger! They are now 4 weeks old and officially in the awkward teenage phase! 
Yellow Spot (now mostly brown)
Wings (the biggest)
Highlighter (possibly Gloria Vanderbuilt)
Little Darth Maul Butterscotch
Lighter (Sonia Sotomayor)
Chipmunk Darker Silkie (Ruth Bader Ginsberg)
Top Hat

I did not get new chicks. These are the same babies…but so much bigger! They are now 4 weeks old and officially in the awkward teenage phase!
Yellow Spot (now mostly brown)
Wings (the biggest)
Highlighter (possibly Gloria Vanderbuilt)
Little Darth Maul #GoldenCampine
Lighter #Silkie (Sonia Sotomayor)
Poof #CrestedPolish
Chipmunk #SilverGreyDorking
Darker Silkie (Ruth Bader Ginsberg)
Top Hat #blackcrestedwhitepolish
#myflock #backyardchickens #raisingchicks #gwinnettCounty #mybabies #theyfly #tinyfarm #silkies

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