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Hell hath no fury like a broody moved. Look at the crazy eyes on these two! Glo and Bryce are absolutely ridiculous about their broodiness. When I take them out they walk around for a while, muttering the whole time about how much they hate me, then they have a complete freak out with screeching and flapping and then sprint back into the coop. Rinse and repeat.

Hell hath no fury like a broody moved. Look at the crazy eyes on these two! Glo and Bryce are absolutely ridiculous about their broodiness. When I take them out they walk around for a while, muttering the whole time about how much they hate me, then they have a complete freak out with screeching and flapping and then sprint back into the coop. Rinse and repeat.
#broodies #broodychicken #gloriavanderbuilt #brycedallashoward #petchicken #oliveegger #whitelacedredcornish #Cornish #tinyfarmer #GwinnettCounty

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