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Is there a place is your garden you don't want chickens? Have you fenced it off? Blocked it with additional fencing? Chased them out multiple times? Offered them awesome treats in another part of the yard? None of that matters. They will always be in the one place you really don't want them to be. They are smarter and more determined than you could ever hope to be. Chickens win.

Is there a place is your garden you don’t want chickens? Have you fenced it off? Blocked it with additional fencing? Chased them out multiple times? Offered them awesome treats in another part of the yard? None of that matters. They will always be in the one place you really don’t want them to be. They are smarter and more determined than you could ever hope to be. Chickens win.
#petchickens #oliveegger #gloriavanderbuilt #tomatocage #intruder #gardenpests #backyardchickens #fresheggs #attitude #igiveup #bossypants #Gloria

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