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Help! I have 7 nesting boxes. Some chicken is removing all of the straw from 2 of them. Why?! This has never happened before in 6+ years of having chickens. It's been happening every day for about a month and today the culprit emptied a third box! It's escalating. Are they mad at me? At straw? Just really vindictive? It must take a while to accomplish. We're going to have to get a chicken cam set up if this doesn't stop. Officially ON NOTICE you monsters!

Help! I have 7 nesting boxes. Some chicken is removing all of the straw from 2 of them. Why?! This has never happened before in 6+ years of having chickens. It’s been happening every day for about a month and today the culprit emptied a third box! It’s escalating. Are they mad at me? At straw? Just really vindictive? It must take a while to accomplish. We’re going to have to get a chicken cam set up if this doesn’t stop. Officially ON NOTICE you monsters!
#petchickens #jerks #makeworkproject #coop #chickencoop #nestingboxes #criminals #messyjesse #mystery

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