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Week 9 chickens are OVER picture day. I don't know if it is because they live in the big coop now or they know they are faster than me or they want to impress the big chickens but they are impossible! I had to hold a couple, some are blurry and we even had retakes. Week 10 is for sure the end.
Fast + Aggressive = hold on!
Glo Vanderbuilt
or #SicilianButtercup?
Sonia Sotomayor Becky with the Good Hair 
This spazz 
Ruth Bader Ginsberg Silkie

Help me guess breeds and names for these monsters!

Week 9 chickens are OVER picture day. I don’t know if it is because they live in the big coop now or they know they are faster than me or they want to impress the big chickens but they are impossible! I had to hold a couple, some are blurry and we even had retakes. Week 10 is for sure the end.
#EasterEgger Fast + Aggressive = hold on!
Glo Vanderbuilt
#GoldenCampine or #SicilianButtercup?
Sonia Sotomayor #Silkie
Becky with the Good Hair #buffPolish
This spazz #SilverGreyDorking
Ruth Bader Ginsberg Silkie
Help me guess breeds and names for these monsters!
#backyardpoultry #petchickens #9weekchicks #pictureday #schoolpicturefail #candids @mcmurray_hatchery

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