
Jesse’s Instagram

Are baby feathers a thing? One of my 5 week old chicks just dropped this from her wing. She's only had it 4 weeks! Making room for bigger and better feathers?

Are baby feathers a thing? One of my 5 week old chicks just dropped this from her wing. She’s only had it 4 weeks! Making room for bigger and better feathers?
#GoldenCampine #backyardchickens #tinyfarm #featheredfriends #babychicks #feathers #GwinnettCounty #georgiaonmymind

Jesse’s Instagram

Dinner, meet future dinners! My tomato plants are doing horribly this year. There was too much rain and the vines just rotted. These sweet potatoes were planted after the rain and seem to be thriving!

Dinner, meet future dinners! My tomato plants are doing horribly this year. There was too much rain and the vines just rotted. These sweet potatoes were planted after the rain and seem to be thriving!
#tomatoes #lemonboy #basil #homegrown #tinyfarmer #harvest #GwinnettCounty #mastergardener

Jesse’s Instagram

I was just mentioning to the butterscotch chick that she had "sturdy" looking legs when her sister leaned over to say "Cankles."

I was just mentioning to the butterscotch chick that she had “sturdy” looking legs when her sister leaned over to say “Cankles.” #chicks #myflock #sisters #5weeksold #fancychicken #babychicks #backyardpoultry #tinyfarm #petchickens

Jesse’s Instagram

Week 5 chick pics! Please take the time to flip through all ten. There are some gems in there! I am accepting name suggestions!
Yellow Spot (now all brown)
Wings (my biggest)
Gloria Vanderbuilt (formerly Higlighter)
Little Darth Butterscotch
Sonia Sotomayor Poof Chipmunk 
Ruth Bader Ginsberg *Top hat *Pic of the week! The hairdos on my are really sprouting!

Week 5 chick pics! Please take the time to flip through all ten. There are some gems in there! I am accepting name suggestions!
Yellow Spot (now all brown)
Wings (my biggest)
Gloria Vanderbuilt (formerly Higlighter)
Little Darth #GoldenCampine
Sonia Sotomayor #Silkie
Poof #BuffLacedPolish
Chipmunk #SilverGreyDorking
Ruth Bader Ginsberg *Top hat #whitecrestedblackpolish *Pic of the week! The hairdos on my #PolishChickens are really sprouting!
#chicks #newchickens #babychicks #myflock #sofreshsoclean #angrybirds

Jesse’s Instagram

This is their "We do not like the sound the lawnmower makes" pose. Can someone tell me what breed the chick on the right is? She is not cute (yet?). 😬

This is their “We do not like the sound the lawnmower makes” pose. Can someone tell me what breed the chick on the right is? She is not cute (yet?). 😬
#chickens #babychicks #mysterychick #varietypack #petchickens #babies #myflock #Silkie #SilverGreyDorking #bufflacedpolish #GwinnettCounty #mychickencoop

Jesse’s Instagram

I believe that Violet knows my compost pile is out of control and is silently judging me for it. I just can't pull a volunteer squash. I can't do it! Shut up Violet!

I believe that Violet knows my compost pile is out of control and is silently judging me for it. I just can’t pull a volunteer squash. I can’t do it! Shut up Violet!
#Cochin #partridgecochin #backyardpoultry #petchickens #judgementalchicken #gardening #tinyfarm #compostpile #mastergardener

Jesse’s Instagram

I think should become a Thing. Like and Large eggs are so 2016. Over!

I think #TinyEggs should become a Thing. Like #tinyhouses and #minihorses. Large eggs are so 2016. Over!
#tinyfarm #bantamchickens #freerange #eggs #pointyegg #silkies #storeeggsaregross #backyardpoultry

Jesse’s Instagram

Inner beauty. Ruth Bader Ginsberg Silkie has lots of Inner Beauty.

Inner beauty. Ruth Bader Ginsberg Silkie has lots of Inner Beauty.
#Silkie #RBG #babySilkie #silkiechick #mychickens #myflock #chicks #portrait #portraitphotography #gwinnett #fancychick #tinyfarm #mygirl

Jesse’s Instagram

Sweet Potatoes! Maybe this is the year? I usually grow the vines as deer salad bar but with our new deer fence being mostly finished perhaps this will be the whole potato year! (Lost all the apples while on vacation.)

Sweet Potatoes! Maybe this is the year? I usually grow the vines as deer salad bar but with our new deer fence being mostly finished perhaps this will be the whole potato year! (Lost all the apples while on vacation.) #SweetPotatoes #tubers #yardart #gardening #tinyfarm #groundcover #mushroom #yams #deersalad

Jesse’s Instagram

This is now the most beautiful thing, that I did not plant, growing out of my compost pile. So fancy!

This is now the most beautiful thing, that I did not plant, growing out of my compost pile. So fancy!
#volunteer #lily #compostfail #greenthumb #organicgardening #gwinnett #mastergardener #compostpile #tropical #zone9

Jesse’s Instagram

I did not get new chicks. These are the same babies...but so much bigger! They are now 4 weeks old and officially in the awkward teenage phase! 
Yellow Spot (now mostly brown)
Wings (the biggest)
Highlighter (possibly Gloria Vanderbuilt)
Little Darth Maul Butterscotch
Lighter (Sonia Sotomayor)
Chipmunk Darker Silkie (Ruth Bader Ginsberg)
Top Hat

I did not get new chicks. These are the same babies…but so much bigger! They are now 4 weeks old and officially in the awkward teenage phase!
Yellow Spot (now mostly brown)
Wings (the biggest)
Highlighter (possibly Gloria Vanderbuilt)
Little Darth Maul #GoldenCampine
Lighter #Silkie (Sonia Sotomayor)
Poof #CrestedPolish
Chipmunk #SilverGreyDorking
Darker Silkie (Ruth Bader Ginsberg)
Top Hat #blackcrestedwhitepolish
#myflock #backyardchickens #raisingchicks #gwinnettCounty #mybabies #theyfly #tinyfarm #silkies

Jesse’s Instagram

I've been waiting for this one! I had to pull a lot of vines but I saved this plant because this tomato was just a few days from ripe. Dinner is served!

I’ve been waiting for this one! I had to pull a lot of vines but I saved this plant because this tomato was just a few days from ripe. Dinner is served!
#gardener #tomato #homegrown #tinyfarm #allmine #gwinnettCounty #mastergardener

Jesse’s Instagram

I'm so lucky! Look at those aerating, fertilizing beasts! I live in Georgia where the earth is naturally hard, red clay so it takes a team to keep the dirt good.

I’m so lucky! Look at those aerating, fertilizing beasts! I live in Georgia where the earth is naturally hard, red clay so it takes a team to keep the dirt good.
#worms #castings #gardening #homegrown #tinyfarm #herd #blueworms #organic #dirt

Aaron’s Instagram

Post vacation Looks like we're having potatoes with every meal for a while. Too much rain this year has ruined most of the tomatoes but I might try to put more in to be ready in the fall.

Post vacation #garden #harvest. Looks like we’re having potatoes with every meal for a while. Too much rain this year has ruined most of the tomatoes but I might try to put more in to be ready in the fall.

Jesse’s Instagram

Argh! She is the cutest! And her pips are pretty adorable too! The babies now have a playpen in the backyard that I can sit in with them. They like me more when I'm not reaching into their brooder from above like a predator. Learned that from IG!

Argh! She is the cutest! And her pips are pretty adorable too! The babies now have a playpen in the backyard that I can sit in with them. They like me more when I’m not reaching into their brooder from above like a predator. Learned that from IG!
#chicks #myflock #backyardchickens #mychickencoop #Silkies #gwinnett #tinyfarm #pips #4weeksold #raisingchicks

Jesse’s Instagram

Harvest time! I had to pull a lot of plants today. There has been too much rain and things were rotting. It always makes me sad to see a plant I've tended from babyhood go into the burn pile.

Harvest time! I had to pull a lot of plants today. There has been too much rain and things were rotting. It always makes me sad to see a plant I’ve tended from babyhood go into the burn pile.
#lemonboy #bananapeppers #eggplant #cucumber #mint #blackcherrytomato #harvest #harvestbasket #tinyfarm #homegrown

Aaron’s Instagram

For the last day of we hit the 33 degree banking at Driving on that steep of an angle is an odd sensation and it's hard to imagine passing someone on it. I was over 130mph down the back straight which is a bit windy with the top down.

For the last day of #rallynorthamerica we hit the 33 degree banking at #talladega. Driving on that steep of an angle is an odd sensation and it’s hard to imagine passing someone on it. I was over 130mph down the back straight which is a bit windy with the top down. #mercedes #amg #c43

Jesse’s Instagram

If there is an out of the way, hard to get to, beautiful place on the map then I am likely to want to hike there. This waterfall was further than I expected but lovely upon arrival.

If there is an out of the way, hard to get to, beautiful place on the map then I am likely to want to hike there. This waterfall was further than I expected but lovely upon arrival.
#hiking #cascades #blueridgeparkway #northcarolina #waterfall #50points #just4miles #jurassicpark

Jesse’s Instagram

What a lovely garden! Thank you for sharing your history and your future with us #Bramwell! Now who do I know who likes a good garden sculpture?  @laylavan @peggyw1202

What a lovely garden! Thank you for sharing your history and your future with us #Bramwell! Now who do I know who likes a good garden sculpture? @laylavan @peggyw1202
#lion #bramwellWV #roadtrip #hydrangea #daylily #echinacea

Aaron’s Instagram

Anyone can stay in a chain hotel but those don't even have a steering wheel. And don't even get me started about their lack of roosters under the floor. I mean how are you supposed to wake up without a 🐓 under your bed.

Anyone can stay in a chain hotel but those don’t even have a steering wheel. And don’t even get me started about their lack of roosters under the floor. I mean how are you supposed to wake up without a 🐓 under your bed. #airbnb #rallynorthamerica #roadtrip #exploreamerica #tinyhouseliving #schoolbus #schoolbusconversion

Jesse’s Instagram

I saw the sign for I thought out loud Sol=Sun. Immediate U-turn. Look at these lovelies!

I saw the sign for #SolFlowers. I thought out loud Sol=Sun. Immediate U-turn. Look at these lovelies!
#SouthCarolina #AndersonSC #sunflowers #pollinators #Summer #fieldsofflowers #sunshine #roadtrip

Jesse’s Instagram

Take that wind that tried to knock down all my corn stalks! I can still harvest it from the ground. Smallish corn on the cob - it's what's for dinner!

Take that wind that tried to knock down all my corn stalks! I can still harvest it from the ground. Smallish corn on the cob – it’s what’s for dinner!
#gardenbounty #corn #sweetcorn #GwinnettCounty #silverqueen #cornstalk #mastergardener #progressnotperfection

Jesse’s Instagram

The compound sliding miter saw is completely unusable. As long as this teeny lizard wants to stay it will be a safe home for him. Welcome to the family!

The compound sliding miter saw is completely unusable. As long as this teeny lizard wants to stay it will be a safe home for him. Welcome to the family!
#anole #lizard #yardlizard #dewalt #dewalttough #Gwinnett #duluth #Grayson #garden #nature #outdoorpets

Jesse’s Instagram

I would like to proudly introduce you to The Dissenting Silkies, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sonia Sotomayor! Ruthie and Sonia are the first of my chicks to tell me their names. I am impressed with their dignity and judgemental nature.

I would like to proudly introduce you to The Dissenting Silkies, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Sonia Sotomayor! Ruthie and Sonia are the first of my chicks to tell me their names. I am impressed with their dignity and judgemental nature.
#silkies #Silkie #myflock #RBG #notoriousRBG #SoniaSotomayor #dissentingsilkies #theyjudgeme #backyardchickens #mychickencoop

Jesse’s Instagram

I left for three days and my babies became awkward teenagers! Picture 9 is worth a scroll. My are so disapproving!
Yellow Spot
Highlighter (no #splayleg)
Little Darth 
Lighter Silkie
Darker Silkie
Top Hat

I left for three days and my babies became awkward teenagers! Picture 9 is worth a scroll. My #Silkies are so disapproving!
Yellow Spot
Highlighter (no #splayleg)
Little Darth #GoldenCampine
Lighter Silkie
Poof #bufflacedpolish
Chipmunk #silvergreydorking
Darker Silkie
Top Hat #blackcrestedwhitepolish
#mychickencoop #myflock #chicksnomore #teenagers #theygrowupsofast #Gwinnett

Aaron’s Instagram

Only three days left for donations. We're holding onto 10th place by $20 so every little bit helps. The donation link is in my bio. This year's has already raised over $100k for this great

Only three days left for #hopeforthewarriors #rallynorthamerica donations. We’re holding onto 10th place by $20 so every little bit helps. The donation link is in my bio. This year’s #rally has already raised over $100k for this great #veterans #charity. #mercedes #AMG #C43

Jesse’s Instagram

Taking in some western New York scenery. I had no idea that was voted the Best State Park in the country! Just gorge-ous!

Taking in some western New York scenery. I had no idea that #Letchworth was voted the Best State Park in the country! Just gorge-ous!
#hike #waterfall #AvonNY #LivingstonCounty #nature #geneseeriver #vacation #hikingtrail #upperfalls

Jesse’s Instagram

Success! My sweet highlighter colored chick had "Splay Leg" and we fixed it with this little brace!

I noticed that she wasn't standing up. She kind of shuffled around on her elbows (knees?) and belly. She would eat and drink if I brought her over but not on her own. So, I googled it. 
Her legs were slipping out from under her and it made her hurt. A brace to hold her legs together and two days of chicken physical therapy were recommended. I put her in a shoebox, fashioned a brace from ribbon and a straw, and hovered for two days. (Thank goodness my job is chicken friendly!) She is now free of the brace and running, flapping and jumping with her sisters! Yeah! Thank you Dr. Google!

Success! My sweet highlighter colored chick had “Splay Leg” and we fixed it with this little brace!

I noticed that she wasn’t standing up. She kind of shuffled around on her elbows (knees?) and belly. She would eat and drink if I brought her over but not on her own. So, I googled it.
Her legs were slipping out from under her and it made her hurt. A brace to hold her legs together and two days of chicken physical therapy were recommended. I put her in a shoebox, fashioned a brace from ribbon and a straw, and hovered for two days. (Thank goodness my job is chicken friendly!) She is now free of the brace and running, flapping and jumping with her sisters! Yeah! Thank you Dr. Google!

#chicks #chickensofinstagram #splayleg #legbrace #physicaltherapy #Thankyou #backyardchickens #mychickencoop #myflock #drgoogle

Jesse’s Instagram

I got this cute pot in I can tell that Little Darth and Wings really appreciate the craftsmanship. 

I got this cute pot in #StLucia. I can tell that Little Darth and Wings really appreciate the craftsmanship.
#GoldenCampine #chicks #backyardchickens #mychickencoop #chickensofinstagram #stlucia #pottery #smallthings

Jesse’s Instagram

Maybe this year? We've planted and replanted apple trees for at least 10 years now. We've never eaten an apple from them! Deer, voles, birds and bugs have taken turns destroying the trees and the fruit. Maybe this time!

Maybe this year? We’ve planted and replanted apple trees for at least 10 years now. We’ve never eaten an apple from them! Deer, voles, birds and bugs have taken turns destroying the trees and the fruit. Maybe this time!
#orchard #newfence #appletree #grannysmith #ellijay #Gwinnett #homegrown #eatlocal #growyourown #applesauce #Lawrenceville #Grayson #Dacula

Jesse’s Instagram

Chick progress photos! Swipe to see all 10!
Yellow Spot
Highlighter (I have a story about her!)
Darth ( #GoldenCampine)
Lighter Poof (Buff #CrestedPolish)
Chipmunk ( #silvergreydorking)
Darker Silkie
Top Hat ( #blackcrestedwhitepolish)
All the girls are looking for names!

Chick progress photos! Swipe to see all 10!
Yellow Spot
Highlighter (I have a story about her!)
Darth ( #GoldenCampine)
Lighter #Silkie
Poof (Buff #CrestedPolish)
Chipmunk ( #silvergreydorking)
Darker Silkie
Top Hat ( #blackcrestedwhitepolish)
All the girls are looking for names!
#myflock #mychickencoop #chicks #tinyfarm #Gwinnett #socute #silkies #feathers #foghornleghorn