I got some new pruners and all of my tomatoes got a haircut! I cut off lots of extra stems and suckers to allow airflow to the plants. I also cut off all of the lowest leaves to prevent soil borne diseases from creeping in. It’s hard to get started, but once I did it was really satisfying to open up the vines and let the sunshine in!
#zone7b #tomatovines #pruningshears #fiskars #gardeninginga #vegetablegarden #Lawrenceville #gwinnettcounty
Breakfast bar! The lettuce is bolting in the heat (it’s going to be 90° F today) so I’m sharing with the flock. They completely consumed this head in about an hour. That’s a lot if tiny beak sized bites!
#backyardchickens #petchickens #lettuce #zone7b #gardeningingeorgia #gardeningwithchickens #polishchicken #friendsnotfood
There is a Brontosaurus in my lettuce! Bryce does not normally leave the enclosed chicken area. This leads me to believe someone either let her out while reentering themselves or someone encouraged her to fly over the fence. These alleged someones are Gretchen, Ruth (both can open the door to get back in) and Glo (who can fly out but not let herself in). I do not need them creating accomplices.
#petchickens #brycedallashoward #cornishhen #covermodel #gardening #growinglettuce #zone7b #trouble #dinosaur
Well, this year the squirrels are beating out fungus in the race to destroy the nectarines. It wasn’t even close. I think they’ll have the whole tree cleared this week. Last year it was a much closer race with fungus taking at least 50% of the crop before the squirrels caught on. Now, what will get the apples? Will it be these same champion squirrels or will the ever vigilant worms find an opening? Only time will tell.
#fruittree #nectarinetree #ornamentaltree #zone7b #gardenpests #appletree #orchard #gsrdenfail
My tiny archiologists have unearthed a mango pit that they cleaned last year! I was able to crack open the hard outer shell and the interior seed looks like a giant lima bean. Very interesting. I appreciate the continuity of their efforts. Tiny Archiologists Motto: ABD. Always Be Digging.
#mangopit #petchickens #mango #chickentreats #professionallevel #archiology #interns
Here it is! Scroll for several before and after comparison angles. The #JapaneseMaple looks like a entirely different tree. Younger maybe? Definitely taller. Now I’ll have to deal with the area underneath. I forgot what a pain that gravel is. Ants love it!
#treetrimming #GwinnettCounty #shaplierblob #limbedup #zone7b #landscaping
There’s been a murder! I took the plunge and limbed up the #JapaneseMaple. I’m not sure how I feel yet. Is tree pruning like art? Like even if I did a terrible job it is possibly just a statement peice that you don’t get so stop judging me! (The only people that see this tree except family are delivery people. I really didn’t think they are judging my pruning choices…or is there a secret Facebook group for that? FedEx drivers reporting landscaping horrors?)
#treemurder #pruning #byeblob #measuretwicecutonce or #justcutit #artornot #Gwinnettcounty #notanexpert

Apple snack! The gold chicken streaking back and forth is Gretchen. She’s the worst. Psychotic, obsessive, fast…all of the worst things. Notice how they don’t let her eat with them? It’s because she’s very annoying. (I say all of this in the same voice that I use to say nice things to the other chickens. I assume that means she thinks I like her. I don’t. But I don’t want her to be sad. I just want her to be calm.)
#petchickens #chickensnacks #fruitskewers #PolishChicken #violetZ #beckywiththegoodhair #silkie #silkies #chickenvideo
I need your opinion! This is the beautiful #JapaneseMaple that is thriving by the garage. The question is should it remain a ground sweeping blob or do we limb it up so the trunk shows? I included three angles and a picture of her underpinnings. Also, do you trim in now or after it loses the leaves? Help! I like it blobby but it used to have a canopy and that was good too.
#zone7b #gardeningingeorgia #GwinnettCounty #redleaves #art #landscaping #treetrimming #bonsai
The worst chicken has escaped and is running around in the garden. The second worst chicken, seen here, is plotting her escape but can’t fly over the fence from the ground and I moved the bench she usually uses as an assist. It has been non-stop pacing and assessing. She’s determined but I think I may have won this round.
Update: I did not win.
#gloriavanderbuilt #oliveegger #petchickens #myflock #backyardchickens #chickenportrait #gardenpests #badgirls
So, this work plant has put out what I can only describe as a giant asparagus. (Also, it is pink and matches my shoes.) There are 10 of these plants and only one has an asparagus. It is about 4x the height of the plant. Fairly dramatic. Will update.
#variegatedplants #pinkasparagus #allbirds #zone7b
Is this the one that hurt me?
Side note: steroid cream is amazing. Why did I never get it as a child? My arms looked like they belonged to Groot and three days later they are just red and scabby. That’s a huge improvement. Really.
#poisonivy #poisonoak #poisonsumac #gardendangers #weedingfail #itchy #scratchy

As always, Vi is at the center of the snack circle. She does let the other girls get in a few nibbles. Becky and Kahlo, the poof heads, are actually comparatively small chickens but take up a lot of space in the circle.
#snackcircle #petchickens #Applecore #darkbrahma #SicilianButtercup #oliveegger #whitecrestedblackpolish #BuffLacedPolish #myflock #backyardchickens
Ruthie is broody yet again. She’s been locked out of the coop for a few hours and she jumped up on this branch to be eye level so we could discuss it. Her complaints are many, and her language fowl, but I’m not letting her back in.
#broodymonster #silkie #ruthbaderginsburg #broodyhen #angrybird #petchickens #tinyfury
Captain Awkward reporting for bowl drinking! Why is she looking at me like I’m the strange one? Did you know Bryce is featured with @mcmurray_hatchery, both online and in the catalog, as the #WhiteLacedRedCornish model? She’s supposed to look this way!
#petchickens #brycedallashoward #redhead #chickensofinstagram #cornishhen #model
Looks pretty innocent, right? Wrong! Bryce and Wilga had Becky pinned down and were plucking her head feathers. This is why I have to have two coops. They just can’t tolerate how perfect her bouffant is and try to destroy it! I don’t know why Becky never runs away. She just crouches shown and tries to wait it out. I saved her and have those monsters a stern talking to.
#petchickens #WhiteLacedRedCornish #salmonfaverolle #BuffLacedPolish #beckywiththegoodhair #brycedallashoward #wilgefortis #meangirls #myflock
Vi would like you to know she is starving! STARVING! Someone else ran off with the majority of the apple core so she missed out on the third treat session of the day. The feeder is full and she got plenty at treat sessions one and two but she really needed that apple core.
#VioletZindars #darkbrahma #petchickens #backyardchickens #chickentreats #lapchicken #scratch #featheredpigs