Just finished photoshopping the wagon’s graphics for Rally North America this summer. We’ll be out raising money for Camp Sunshine in the AMG Private Lounge area at Caffeine and Octane on April 7. If you or your business would like to make a donation I’ll get your company logo or family name on there before the show. GAhomes.com/donate. #rallynorthamerica #roadtrip #roadrally #charity #charityevent #mercedes #mercedesbenz #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon #e63s #amg #campsunshine
Just finished photoshopping the wagon’s graphics for Rally North America this summer. We’ll be out raising money for Camp Sunshine in the AMG Private Lounge area at Caffeine and Octane on April 7. If you or your business would like to make a donation I’ll get your company logo or family name on there before the show. GAhomes.com/donate. #rallynorthamerica #roadtrip #roadrally #charity #charityevent #mercedes #mercedesbenz #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon #e63s #amg #campsunshine
Portrait in Broodiness. Ruthie is 2 years old and has been broody for about 18 months. She might take a few days off here and there but the vast majority of the time she is sitting on eggs (Or no eggs. Or wooden eggs. Or another chicken. Whatever.) Silkies. What can you do?
#Silkie #petchicken #backyardpoultry #angrybird #ruthbaderginsburg #RBG #silkies #silkiechicken
Collard trees! I planted these back in October and they grew really well all winter. In the last few weeks they have bolted and are about five feet tall. I’m slowly feeding them to the chickens but I need to get them out soon to ready the garden for summer crops. Ruthie is screaming in the back because I removed her from her brooding to take a walk. It’s torture.
#gardenvisit #collardgreens #zone7b #mastergardener #petchicken #backyardgarden #tinyfarmer #tinyfarm #bonnieplants #wintergarden
I found one small and one large brown egg in the rooster-free coop today. That means both Violet and Donna laid eggs today! They are eight years old. I’m pretty impressed. Neither of those eggs are pictured because they both had muddy fur-feet and those eggs need a rinse!
#seniorchicks #seniorchicken #silverlacedcochin #partridgesilkie #roosterfreezone #VioletZindars #donnamartin #silkies #petchicken #myflockrocks
Layered snacking is the key to good flock dynamics. The more agile girls can attack from the top while the, ahem, bigger girls can stay in the ground. Sorry Wilga but you’re looking mighty round these days! I’m sure it’s just the plumage.
#salmonfaverolle #SicilianButtercup #EasterEgger #oliveegger #petchicken #chickensnacks #foraging #sisters #GwinnettCounty
Is there a place is your garden you don’t want chickens? Have you fenced it off? Blocked it with additional fencing? Chased them out multiple times? Offered them awesome treats in another part of the yard? None of that matters. They will always be in the one place you really don’t want them to be. They are smarter and more determined than you could ever hope to be. Chickens win.
#petchickens #oliveegger #gloriavanderbuilt #tomatocage #intruder #gardenpests #backyardchickens #fresheggs #attitude #igiveup #bossypants #Gloria
New flower bed! This is the entirety of the sun it receives. It’s about an hour a day. What are some shade tolerant pretties I can plant in here? Zone 7b and I would prefer perennials or evergreens.
#shadegarden #zone7 #mastergardener #gardenbed #flowergarden #rockcollection #rockwall #gardenwalk2020
This salad bar is dangerous. The velociraptors are serving up some serious glare. Bryce and Vi are currently enjoying a nice long dirt bath together but snack time was serious! If you love a long-legged, strangely solid, awkward red chicken then the White Laced Red Cornish is for you! Bryce is featured in page 10 of the @mcmurray_hatchery catalog this year. She’s pretty much a super model.
#petchicken #cornish #brycedallashoward #silverlacedcochin #furfeet #VioletZindars #redwattlewednesday #freerangechickens #newfriends #velociraptor
The nectarine tree is about to be happening! I once chewed on an unripe, very small fruit from this tree. The rest of the fruit from all 10 years has been lost to squirrels, bugs, birds and disease. I now choose to think of it as an Ornamental Nectarine. I free you from the expectation of fruit! Go ahead and flower! Be a home for bugs and bees! Anchor the orchard with your height! You are free! You are ornamental! (Aka, I give up.)
#nectarinetree #zone7b #flowers #gardeningfail #nectarine #fruittree #tinyfarmer
Hawk is sporting a lovely blue chicken saddle to protect herself from Wilga, the infamous feather plucker. Hawk barely noticed when I put it on and hasn’t acted bothered for a second. Once the feathers at the base of her tail recover I’ll try removing it and see if Wilga can exhibit some self control. Or maybe Hawk can learn to defend herself. Or maybe someone will be wearing the saddle forever.
#petchicken #chickensaddle #EasterEgger #backyardchickens #misshawkins #hawkthechicken #beardedlady #sisterfight #bokchoy #crazythingschickenpeopledo #crazychickenlady
How do you pick up a 7 ton trailer with a 2 ton jack? A bit of dump box leverage. I suppose a screw in the tire in the first hundred miles is my karma for buying a 6th trailer… In other news, this baby doubles as a 13 yard roll off dumpster that will be up for rent to the public or free to anyone that buys or sells a house with me. #verticalintegration #pjrollster #dumptrailer #pjtrailers
How do you pick up a 7 ton trailer with a 2 ton jack? A bit of dump box leverage. I suppose a screw in the tire in the first hundred miles is my karma for buying a 6th trailer… In other news, this baby doubles as a 13 yard roll off dumpster that will be up for rent to the public or free to anyone that buys or sells a house with me. #verticalintegration #pjrollster #dumptrailer #pjtrailers
Three eggs is one nesting box is not a big deal (they all want to use the same box because they know it’s annoying that I built seven and they only use one) but this is in my rooster-free coop where only four chickens reside. This means one of my 8 year old chickens laid an egg today! Either Vi, the giant Cochin or Donna, the brown Silkie came out of retirement after close to a year! I’m impressed, ladies. Thank you for participating!
#freeloaders #petchickens #backyardpoultry #Silkie #cochin #fresheggs #geriatricpregnancy #payingtherent #nestingboxes #eggs #eggvignette
For the small cost of a few hundred dollars a week and the renewed consternation of your spouse you can rescue a project car in need. This poor Unimog was found dismembered with little hope of the frame off restoration all classic cars hope for. In this time of need we call on you to spend countless hours on autotempest & facebook marketplace searching out a project car you probably don’t have the time or space for. Cue Sarah Mclachlan
#unimog404 #unimog #mercedes #mercedesbenz #4×4 #projectcar #restoration #ram3500laramie #ram3500 #flatbedmafia #coe
For the small cost of a few hundred dollars a week and the renewed consternation of your spouse you can rescue a project car in need. This poor Unimog was found dismembered with little hope of the frame off restoration all classic cars hope for. In this time of need we call on you to spend countless hours on autotempest & facebook marketplace searching out a project car you probably don’t have the time or space for. Cue Sarah Mclachlan
#unimog404 #unimog #mercedes #mercedesbenz #4×4 #projectcar #restoration #ram3500laramie #ram3500 #flatbedmafia #coe
Side shoots! I think I cut the main head in January and a month later I have a full helping of side shoots to harvest! After I pick these I will give the rest of the plant to the chickens to snack on and if there is anything left after that it goes into the compost pile. It’s the circle of liiiife!
#gardener #gardeningingeorgia #zone7b #Broccoli #harvestingbroccoli #sideshoots #gotdip #homegrown #farmtotable #tinyfarmer
Sittin’ in the mornin’ sun
I’ll be sittin’ when the evenin’ comes
Watchin’ the ships roll in
Then I watch ’em roll away again
I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay
Watchin’ the tide, roll away
I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay
Wastin’ time
I left my home in Georgia… #visitvallarta #puertovallarta #pvr #hiking #bayofbanderas #cruiseships #Vallarta #cerrodelacruz #memo #airbnbexperience #airbnbexperiences

I wonder how long it would have taken her to notice the change if I just hidden the old truck The 2011 really makes the 2007 look small from the front. Any guesses on how many miles the 8162 engine hours on the newer truck works out to?
#ram3500laramie #cummins #flatbedmafia #ram #ram3500 #ram3500dually
I wonder how long it would have taken her to notice the change if I just hidden the old truck The 2011 really makes the 2007 look small from the front. Any guesses on how many miles the 8162 engine hours on the newer truck works out to?
#ram3500laramie #cummins #flatbedmafia #ram #ram3500 #ram3500dually
Is social media the right place to ask your significant other’s forgiveness for buying a new truck before selling your old one? I guess we’ll find out… She’s on a beach in Mexico so how mad can she get 😎
#ram3500laramie #flatbedmafia #uhaul #e63wagon #ram3500 #ram3500dually #mercedes #mercedesbenz #amg #e63amg #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon
Is social media the right place to ask your significant other’s forgiveness for buying a new truck before selling your old one? I guess we’ll find out… She’s on a beach in Mexico so how mad can she get 😎
#ram3500laramie #flatbedmafia #uhaul #e63wagon #ram3500 #ram3500dually #mercedes #mercedesbenz #amg #e63amg #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon