No, it’s cool. Just eat them right in front of me. Really, you’ve earned a snack. I know I bought the tree, grew the tree, fertilized it and weeded around it, but you were clearly born nearby and are entitled to unlimited nectarines. In fact, just eat half and throw the rest on the ground. I’ll clean up the rotten leftovers for you. Are you friends with the bunnies that are working their way through the green beans? Do you know the voles eating the seed potatoes? Maybe you guys could work out a schedule for maximum consumption. Who is going to work with the chickens to finish off the lettuce?
#nature #gardenpests #squirrelfood #squirrels #nectarinetree #nectarine #decorative #ornamentaltree #voles #yardfriends #snowwhite
Update: I put him under the tree near where I found him and his parents came to guide him out into the field. He hopped down the hill stretching his itty bitty wings and followed the adult birds towards the tree line and away from the parking lot. Success!
Help! I made a new friend at work today! This little #mockingbird was in danger of being run over so I had to save it. Now it is in a box with a hot water bottle mama. It eats well and naps a lot. Now what? What should I feed it? How long will it be mine? Should I release it where I found it when it is bigger? Any advice welcomed!
#goodwithchickens #mockingjay #wildbird #angrybirds #Birdbox #birdrehab @awarewildlife

A full minute of complete indifference to the rules. Dustbathing in the garden and eating the lettuce just inches from my face as though I haven’t chased them out of here 10 times a day for weeks. Gretchen, the #SicilianButtercup, is the ringleader and Hawk, the #EasterEgger, is just along for the ride. Gretchen is absolutely making me crazy! She refuses to stay in the chicken area and is devouring my garden! She looks so smug. Monster.
#petchicken #chickenvideo #dustbath #chickensaddle #tinyfarmer #gardenpests #youretheworst #sophiebhawkins #zone7b #partnersincrime
You thought they might give up? Nope. Broody AF. These three nimrods are tied for Least Favorite Chicken with the lettuce-eater and the feather-plucker. Can I send my chickens to summer camp? We need a change of scenery.
#broodybesties #broodychicken #broody #oliveegger #Silkie #Cornish #gloriavanderbuilt #ruthbaderginsburg #brycedallashoward #girlgang #girlboss #squad #broodysquad #backyardchickens
Current status of the decorative nectarine tree: 75% of the fruits have been knocked off the tree, 25% are waiting to be knocked off. As you can see from the assortment I picked up off of the ground, the squirrels nibble about half of the fruits and knock the rest loose while running around in the tree. It’s super helpful and not at all infuriating.
#squirrelfood #nectarinetree #nectarines #zone7b #gardeningfail #tinyfarm
Vi is updating her headshots. You may vote on your favorites. They are all excellent but you might prefer one angle over another. My favourite is the transition from picture 2 to picture 3.
#VioletZindars #petchicken #chickenportrait #Cochin #silverlacedcochin #herringbone #beautyqueen #beautygirl #pinup #beak #chickenselfie #headshots #eagle
Kahlo doesn’t want to seem #thirsty by posting a full body shot by the pool but she does want to update you on her food boob situation. After her last stay at the spa for #IntermittentFasting, she adopted a regimen of increased grit availability and nightly crop massages. This seems to have done the trick! Her #foodboob is much more proportional and empties fully at night. She is now #bodygoals and ready for summer. Also, she is actually thirsty which is why she’s drinking out of the mud puddle.
#petchicken #Kahlo #fridakahlo #whitecrestedblackpolish #PolishChicken #crop #chickenportrait #myflock #hairgoals #violetZ #cochin #instagrammodel
Gretchen is on my last nerve. Let’s list the things in just this one picture that are a problem. First, she is in the garden. She’s supposed to be in the chicken area but she can fly. Second, can you see all of the damage she has done to the lettuce and broccoli? I share with her! I bring them tons of snacks but she wants to destroy the plants herself. Finally, she is blissfully taking a dustbath in the midst of her destruction. She doesn’t even have the courtesy to act ashamed or worried about the consequences. Last. Nerve. Chicken.
#Gretchen #SicilianButtercup #dustbath #petchicken #gardeningwithchickens #badchicken #troublemaker #crazythingschickenpeopledo #backyardpoultry #tinyfarmer
Watering in the new garden bed. We received quite a few leftover ferns and hellebores from the #GwinnettCounty #MasterGardener plant sale so I mixed them in with my split hostas and we have a whole bed of free plants!
#zone7b #hostas #ferns #lentenrose #hellebore #shadegarden #gardentour2020 #manuallabor #gardeningingeorgia #wooded
Just trying to get a picture of a gorgeous #PolishChicken and I get not one, but two #Silkie photobombers! Sonia the #EvilRoo is always around when I get close to a hen but Donna was an unexpected surprise!
#beckywiththegoodhair #SoniaSotomayor #donnamartin #BuffLacedPolish #silkierooster #petchickens #chickenportrait #myflock #silkies #squad
We employed the “one-for-you, one-for-me” method of hosta splitting and now we have a whole bed full of deer lettuce, I mean hostas! The yard is about 85% fenced now so perhaps we have a chance. Welcome to #zone7b hostas! I hope you like it here.
#hosta #hostas #splittinghostas #sharingiscaring #freeplants #travellinghostas #GwinnettCounty #zone7 #shadegarden #shadetolerant
Evil monsters. I’m definitely not getting any broccoli this year since it is hard to grow without ANY leaves. Can you see that Glo is actually standing on top of the red leaf lettuce? She also kicks it to shred it up for easier eating. Very helpful, you jerk.
#jerks #gardenpests #oliveegger #EasterEgger #tinyfarmer #redleaflettuce #Broccoli #collardgreens #petchicken #crazythingschickenpeopledo #broodychicken
The Broody Bunch is recruiting new members. I now have three furious floofs: Ruthie the #Silkie, Glo the #oliveegger and Bryce the #velociraptor. Let’s see who’s next!
#BroodyBunch #broodybesties #broodychicken #chickencoop #petchicken #brycedallashoward #ruthbaderginsburg #gloriavanderbuilt #noeggs
It has begun! I managed to separate this attractive wedge from the giant wheel and will be taking it to work to “share.” I also had my first taste of the #thomasvilletomme and it is delightful! Firm, but not hard. Tangy, sharp, creamy…I didn’t know what I’m saying. It’s delicious! Thank you @sweetgrassdairy!
#iwonthis #cheesewheel #eatlocal #rawmilk #rawmilkcheese #madeingeorgia. #happycows #staycheesy #sweetgrassdairy
Gather ’round people and let me tell you a tale of great victory and kindness from the internet. This is a 6 pound wheel of cheese. I won it on Instagram. Yes, Instagram has helped me secure a wheel of cheese so large I can barely heft it for a photo! In the days to come I will show you the many ways I can use 6 pounds of cheese. I will be thankful every day to @sweetgrassdairy for choosing me for this great honor and to @instagram for connecting us in cheese fandom.
#sweetgrassdairy #thomasvilletomme #thomasvillega #eatlocal #GwinnettCounty #GeorgiaGrown #cheese #lovelawrenceville #artisanalcheese #rawmilk #goodthings
Today I picked 6 gallons of strawberries and this bowl of tops is all that is left! I made jam, muffins, macerated some for shortcake and froze enough for the rest of the year. I find that strawberries are more trouble than they are worth to grow when I can pick high quality berries just a few miles away. Also, #WashingtonFarms has excellent strawberry ice cream! Now to give the chickens a gift…tops!
#strawberries #strawberryseason #zone7b #locallygrown #eatlocal #growningeorgia #homegrown #homemade #strawberryjam #canning #futuresmoothies
I removed Bryce from her zero eggs and set her down to remove Glo from her zero eggs and Bryce remained frozen in place, exactly as I set her down. Completely frozen, wing dangling, puffy and furious. What a drama queen! Broody idiot.
#brycedallashoward #whitelacedredcornish #Cornish #cornishhen #stocky #redhen #petchicken #backyardpoultry #myflock #broodychicken #broodyrage
Hell hath no fury like a broody moved. Look at the crazy eyes on these two! Glo and Bryce are absolutely ridiculous about their broodiness. When I take them out they walk around for a while, muttering the whole time about how much they hate me, then they have a complete freak out with screeching and flapping and then sprint back into the coop. Rinse and repeat.
#broodies #broodychicken #gloriavanderbuilt #brycedallashoward #petchicken #oliveegger #whitelacedredcornish #Cornish #tinyfarmer #GwinnettCounty
Kahlo needs to tell you about her new diet plan. She’s been having some trouble with her food boob. It’s…big. Like BIG. And it stays that way. So, we discussed #weightwatchers but who has time for points? She’s just not into #southbeach or #keto. #PlantBased is her go-to but we aren’t getting results. So, she knows it’s a little #basic, but she been trying #IntermittentFasting. Every week or two she takes two days off food to fully empty her crop. It’s two days at the spa (garage), away from her sisters, but it’s worth it if we can keep the #foodboob in check. We’re also looking into #cropbras of anyone has suggestions. Word of advice: Googling “crop bra” gets you very short shirts. Googling “chicken crop bra” gets you very short shirts with chickens on them. Not what we need. While we work on this issue Kahlo will only be posting her headshots from her modeling portfolio. She doesn’t want a bunch of followers who are only here for her boob. #instafamous
#influencer #model #fridakahlo #Poof #cropbra #petchicken #PolishChicken #whitecrestedblackpolish #topheavy #specialneedschicken #chickenportrait. #chickenselfiesunday @pagepardo
Jesse and I will be up before dark to hit Caffeine and Octane tomorrow. We’ll be out raising money for Camp Sunshine. If you can’t make it we’d love a donation (link in bio). We’ll be up front in the AMG Private Lounge area. Not that this car is hard to find anymore… #rallynorthamerica #campsunshine #caffeineandoctane #amgprivatelounge #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon #e63s #amg #mercedes #mercedesbenz
Jesse and I will be up before dark to hit Caffeine and Octane tomorrow. We’ll be out raising money for Camp Sunshine. If you can’t make it we’d love a donation (link in bio). We’ll be up front in the AMG Private Lounge area. Not that this car is hard to find anymore… #rallynorthamerica #campsunshine #caffeineandoctane #amgprivatelounge #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon #e63s #amg #mercedes #mercedesbenz
Broody rage!
Bryce is a little intimidating when she is in a good mood. Her broody mood is somewhere between maim and murder. Total eggs she is actually sitting on in the nesting box? Zero. Amount of blood I’ve lost trying to remove her from said box? More than zero.
#broodychicken #broody #angrybirds #whitelacedredcornish #Cornish #brycedallashoward #velociraptor #petchicken #spoiledchickens #backyardpoultry #tinyfarmer
I don’t want to brag BUT I grew this onion in my kitchen, totally organically and free of substrate. It looks fantastic and I am going to plant it in the garden with the other onions right now!
But Jesse, you say, didn’t you really just leave a store bought onion in a bowl on the counter for two months and finally decide you had to do something about it and are planting it outside because you feel guilty about food waste?
Both are possible ways to look at this situation. You say tomato, I say tah-mah-to, either way it’s a pretty onion.
#onion #sweetonion #farming #gardening #organicgardening #greenthumb #zone7b #gwinnett #mastergardener #farmtotable #eatlocal
When I pulled out the remnants of the winter garden I gave it to the chickens all at once. It was pretty much a forest of snacks. I would like a forest of snacks. (And kale is not a snack for me!)
#spoiledchickens #snackforest #Chickenfood #collards #kale #cabbage #petchicken #backyardgarden #tinyfarm #whitecrestedblackpolish #silkies #cochin
I finally captured a perfect portrait of Bryce! She’s super broody so I caught her off guard, in the middle of some indignant squawking. If you didn’t know, Bryce Dallas Howard here is a White Laced Red Cornish and appears in the current @mcmurray_hatchery catalogue as well as on the website. She has a blocky shape, thicc legs and a neck for days! According to the breed standard she is “slow to mature” so she might still get bigger or grow into her weirdly akimbo wings.
#cornish #cornishhen #brycedallashoward #petchicken #chickenportrait #thicc #supermodel #whitelacedredcornish #backyardpoultry
I have no idea what the rules are for asparagus. I planted them last year and picked none. So far about 10 have come up and I’ve let them grow. One broke, so I ate it and it was delicious! Now what?
#asparagus #purpleasparagus #homegrown #gardenfresh #eatlocal #greenthumb #zone7b #gardentips #mastergardener
The yard is bursting with spring color! The blueberry bushes are full of bees. There are many colors of #camellias blooming. The yellow flowers are #jessamine (I think) and they are shade flowers!
#flowergarden #zone7 #zone7b #mastergardener #GwinnettCounty #lovelawrenceville #springtime #busybees #blueberrybush #pollinators