Becky with the Good Hair is almost back in peak hair form! Her sister Wilga balded her several months ago in a fit of jealousy. Becky finally started a full molt last month, including every single tail feather and most of her wing feathers, so I put her in a safe space to grow all of her feathers back at once. It’s working spectacularly! But now what to do with Wilga? She is always pulling feathers off of her sisters!
#beckywiththegoodhair #BuffLacedPolish #polishchicken #petchicken #molting #newdo #coiffed #featherplucking #fancychick
Common Question: Do your chickens have names?
Are you kidding me? My chickens have first names, last names, nicknames, origin stories, best friends, and a Primary Care Physician. They celebrate birthdays, holidays, funerals and happy hour. These chickens do tricks, play games and organize missions. They have a custom coop and can recommend a carpenter. I’m pretty sure they had Uber Eats bring them a snack last night. They also lay eggs.
What does your human kid do?
#petchickens #gloriavanderbuilt #oliveegger #backyardchickens #chickenportrait #chickensofinstagram #wattlemodel #grubblieshappyhour #glowstick #pets #fresheggs #familypet
The face of evil.
Sonia Sotomayor is my one year old #Silkie rooster that is a polarizing figure in my flock.
Sonia has recently started sleeping in a nesting box instead of his traditional position on the highest roost. What’s up with that? I know silkies are notoriously broody but the rooster too? Maybe it’s the feminine name? Too bad! He was supposed to be a girl!
She hates Violet, Donna and my mother. She loves Ruthie, Wilga and Glo. Fairly neutral on the other hens. Not a fan of me but knows I am at the top of the pecking order. She used to have a mohawk but seems to have lost it to an aggressive hen. Ha ha.
The crowing is too loud and too often but not enough to be banished. Roosters. Eh.
#petchicken #petrooster #silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #blacksilkie #sixtoe #wattlemodel #furfeet #backyardpoultry #myflock #comb

Very effective circular snacking today. There is some bonus crowing if you turn up the volume. All of my chickens are missing some head or neck feathers. The pecking order has consequences around here!
#petchickens #chickensnacks #chickenvideo #cochins #silkies #rooster #Bantams #Faverolle #EasterEgger #apple

Just a minute of my tiny velociraptors eating an ear of corn. You can see that Vi and Donna are the most focused. Kahlo, in her cape, really doesn’t get it. Gretch and Bryce aren’t super brave about getting near Vi but give it a try. There is a second ear of corn in play off camera in case some of the lower pecking order girls want to get some.
#petchicken #velociraptors #featheredpigs #Cochin #Silkie #SicilianButtercup #Faverolle #Chickensaddle #homegrown #chickentreats #chickenvideo
I found Price Charming here under the garbage can and decided to relocate him to this scenic garden area. You’re welcome. (I hope he didn’t leave a family behind. It is a long hop back across the driveway.)
#garbageday #toad #toadstool #wildlifephotography #gardeningsuprises #outdoorpets #Gwinnettcounty
This is Donna Martin. She is a 7+ year old Silkie hen with a broody disposition. She is not a Muppet or a bunny. She is loud, bossy and will bully a chicken twice her size. She is super angry about being removed from the nesting box and is ignoring me. She has been in broody jail for four full days and shows no signs of giving up. She has maximum poofiness right now so I took her picture anyway. I Donna. Donna s brooding.
#donnamartin #Silkie #silkies #partridgesilkie #petchicken #backyardchickens #broodychicken #Bantams #crazybroodies #chickenportrait
I’m going to have to reevaluate my tomato systems. I’ve had two or three years of consistently shabby plants and low harvests. Maybe a cover crop for this winter? More compost? Start them from seed again?
#gardeningsuprises #gardener #growyourown #zone7b #tomatoes #Lemonboy #chocolatecherry #heirloomtomatoes #mastergardener