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Becky with the Good Hair is almost back in peak hair form! Her sister Wilga balded her several months ago in a fit of jealousy. Becky finally started a full molt last month, including every single tail feather and most of her wing feathers, so I put her in a safe space to grow all of her feathers back at once. It's working spectacularly! But now what to do with Wilga? She is always pulling feathers off of her sisters!

Becky with the Good Hair is almost back in peak hair form! Her sister Wilga balded her several months ago in a fit of jealousy. Becky finally started a full molt last month, including every single tail feather and most of her wing feathers, so I put her in a safe space to grow all of her feathers back at once. It’s working spectacularly! But now what to do with Wilga? She is always pulling feathers off of her sisters!
#beckywiththegoodhair #BuffLacedPolish #polishchicken #petchicken #molting #newdo #coiffed #featherplucking #fancychick

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