No bath has ever been as satisfying as this dirt bath. Sigh.
Hawk was here first and briefly lost her spot to Vi but then Vi relocated to a spot further away from the rooster. Glo joined Hawk in this spot for a best friends bath. Notice Glo’s one tail feather? Poor thing is doing a serious molt.
The dirt flurry in the background is Wilge on the far side of the hill. It was a serious dirt bath afternoon!
#petchicken #dirtbath #oliveegger #EasterEgger #chickens #petchickens #pigpen #Tasmaniandevil #Gwinnettcounty
It looks like we murdered an angel over here! Glo is having her first big molt and seems very confused about. She has four tailfeathers left. I think she might have been a little prideful about her plumage.
#petchicken #oliveegger #molting #backyardpoultry #tinyfarmer #whitefeathers #comb #fresheggs #extratreats

I love how the Mom deer stamps her foot at me. Umm, I live here lady. Also, we have a very tall fence. How did you even get in? There are two babies. The obvious one and then one hiding behind the bush on the right. You can see it move a little a few seconds into the video. These cuties show up in the yard every couple of days. I think they live on our road and rotate properties. I’ve known them since the babies had spots! Please don’t eat my garden!
#deer #petdeer #wildpets #Gwinnettcounty #deerfamily #mamadeer #babydeer #fawn #deertwins #softie #backyarddeer #vegetarian
These are peppers from plants that went in the ground mid-July. I then neglected them for 3 months and they are just now producing huge peppers! About 3 weeks ago I planted my winter garden of cabbages, kale, broccoli and lettuce, some of which will last all winter here in Georgia. Most of that crop is for the chickens. The girls love their winter greens!
#yardtotable #farmfresh #farmtotable #bellpeppers #cabbage #organic #tinyfarmer #Gwinnettcounty #mastergardener #Chickenfood
Donna Martin is definitely an Autumn. Beyond her obvious pumpkin coloring, she is made for sweater weather and is perma-costumed as a bunny. This is your season girl!
#silkies #Silkie #donnamartin #petchicken #petchickens #backyardpoultry #strut #autumn #fluffybuttfriday #rakingleavesformychickens #spoiledchickens @torispelling
Becky with the Good Hair is almost back in peak hair form! Her sister Wilga balded her several months ago in a fit of jealousy. Becky finally started a full molt last month, including every single tail feather and most of her wing feathers, so I put her in a safe space to grow all of her feathers back at once. It’s working spectacularly! But now what to do with Wilga? She is always pulling feathers off of her sisters!
#beckywiththegoodhair #BuffLacedPolish #polishchicken #petchicken #molting #newdo #coiffed #featherplucking #fancychick