Here we go! Introducing the babies to the big girls. I moved the protective playpen into the chicken yard and am having supervised meeting time. Turn up the volume and you’ll hear Donna Martin having a complete fit from INSIDE THE COOP at the indignity of small chickens in her yard. You can see Violet lumbering around on the outside of the fence making sure these babies aren’t getting her treats. So far, so good. We’ll see. Any tips on flock integration would be appreciated!
#cochin #PolishChickens #silkies #goldencampine #backyardchickens #petchickens #chickenvideo #spoiledchickens #bigsister #fightclub #peckingorder #GwinnettCounty
I didn’t plant any Butternut Squash this year. It didn’t produce last year and I didn’t want to dedicate a trellis to it. However, the vine in the compost pile that I didn’t plant, water, fertilize or protect from bugs did just fine. So insulting.
#butternutsquash #volunteer #compostpile #compostfail #nature #mastergardener #chickencoop #GwinnettCounty #GeorgiaGrown
Here she is! I am proud to present the newly named Becky with the Good Hair! Becky is a Buff #PolishChicken and has a lifetime of floppy plumage to contend with. When she is clean though, no one looks fancier! Hello Becky!
#beckywiththegoodhair #backyardchickens #petchicken #polish #fro #fancychick #queenbey #Beyonce #ornamentallayers #mcmurrayhatchery
Week 7 baby chicks! They seem all grown up until I go heft a full size chicken! Please tag a friend of they can help identify the breeds. I think the first one might actually be an Owl? They are so weird.
Former Yellow Spot, now bizarro owl
Wings – one pic, then flew away
Gloria Vanderbuilt
Little Darth #GoldenCampine
Butterscotch – those legs!
Sonia Sotomayor #Silkie
Poof – name pending #BuffLacedPolish
Chipmunk – #SilverGreyDorking
Ruth Bader Ginsberg – I swear she poofed her hair for this picture!
Top Hat – best poser #whitecrestedblackpolish
#chicks #petchickens #backyardpoultry #tinyfarm #schoolpictures #posedown
Violet Zindars is molting. She does not want to talk about it. Or be touched. But she thought I had another ear of corn so she got a little too close! Picture two is new feathers coming in on her back. So interesting!
#Cochin #petchicken #angrybirds #molting #newfeathers #newbeginnings #Violet #dirtybird #beak
Pulling the #rallynorthamerica graphics off the C43 went so easy I decided to tackle replacing the 5 year old ones on my #remax #mobileoffice #sprintervan. 45 minutes with adhesive remover did the same area as 10 minutes with this cool #3M stripe off wheel. Time to order more of these. I’m a little excited about going back to the all black FBI look for a while. #remaxlegends #gahomes #gahomesdotcom #mercedes #vinylgraphics
Pulling the #rallynorthamerica graphics off the C43 went so easy I decided to tackle replacing the 5 year old ones on my #remax #mobileoffice #sprintervan. 45 minutes with adhesive remover did the same area as 10 minutes with this cool #3M stripe off wheel. Time to order more of these. I’m a little excited about going back to the all black FBI look for a while. #remaxlegends #gahomes #gahomesdotcom #mercedes #vinylgraphics
6 weeks! My baby chicks are six weeks old and adorable(ly awkward). I think I have another name picked out but I’m not 100% yet. Please scroll through for some great portraits! Also, I’ll put some outtakes in my stories.
Yellow Spot
Gloria Vanderbuilt
Little Darth Maul #GoldenCampine
Butterscotch (wanted support to stand)
Sonia Sotomayor #Silkie
Poof #bufflacedpolish Name Pending
Chimpunk #SilverGreyDorking
Ruth Bader Ginsberg #Silkies
Top Hat #whitecrestedblackpolish
#backyardpoultry #petchickens #myflock #mychickencoop #GwinnettCounty #crepemyrtle #Georgia
Week 5 chick pics! Please take the time to flip through all ten. There are some gems in there! I am accepting name suggestions!
Yellow Spot (now all brown)
Wings (my biggest)
Gloria Vanderbuilt (formerly Higlighter)
Little Darth #GoldenCampine
Sonia Sotomayor #Silkie
Poof #BuffLacedPolish
Chipmunk #SilverGreyDorking
Ruth Bader Ginsberg *Top hat #whitecrestedblackpolish *Pic of the week! The hairdos on my #PolishChickens are really sprouting!
#chicks #newchickens #babychicks #myflock #sofreshsoclean #angrybirds
This is their “We do not like the sound the lawnmower makes” pose. Can someone tell me what breed the chick on the right is? She is not cute (yet?). 😬
#chickens #babychicks #mysterychick #varietypack #petchickens #babies #myflock #Silkie #SilverGreyDorking #bufflacedpolish #GwinnettCounty #mychickencoop
Sweet Potatoes! Maybe this is the year? I usually grow the vines as deer salad bar but with our new deer fence being mostly finished perhaps this will be the whole potato year! (Lost all the apples while on vacation.) #SweetPotatoes #tubers #yardart #gardening #tinyfarm #groundcover #mushroom #yams #deersalad
I did not get new chicks. These are the same babies…but so much bigger! They are now 4 weeks old and officially in the awkward teenage phase!
Yellow Spot (now mostly brown)
Wings (the biggest)
Highlighter (possibly Gloria Vanderbuilt)
Little Darth Maul #GoldenCampine
Lighter #Silkie (Sonia Sotomayor)
Poof #CrestedPolish
Chipmunk #SilverGreyDorking
Darker Silkie (Ruth Bader Ginsberg)
Top Hat #blackcrestedwhitepolish
#myflock #backyardchickens #raisingchicks #gwinnettCounty #mybabies #theyfly #tinyfarm #silkies
Argh! She is the cutest! And her pips are pretty adorable too! The babies now have a playpen in the backyard that I can sit in with them. They like me more when I’m not reaching into their brooder from above like a predator. Learned that from IG!
#chicks #myflock #backyardchickens #mychickencoop #Silkies #gwinnett #tinyfarm #pips #4weeksold #raisingchicks
Harvest time! I had to pull a lot of plants today. There has been too much rain and things were rotting. It always makes me sad to see a plant I’ve tended from babyhood go into the burn pile.
#lemonboy #bananapeppers #eggplant #cucumber #mint #blackcherrytomato #harvest #harvestbasket #tinyfarm #homegrown