Jesse’s Instagram
Kahlo needs to tell you about her new diet plan. She’s been having some trouble with her food boob. It’s…big. Like BIG. And it stays that way. So, we discussed #weightwatchers but who has time for points? She’s just not into #southbeach or #keto. #PlantBased is her go-to but we aren’t getting results. So, she knows it’s a little #basic, but she been trying #IntermittentFasting. Every week or two she takes two days off food to fully empty her crop. It’s two days at the spa (garage), away from her sisters, but it’s worth it if we can keep the #foodboob in check. We’re also looking into #cropbras of anyone has suggestions. Word of advice: Googling “crop bra” gets you very short shirts. Googling “chicken crop bra” gets you very short shirts with chickens on them. Not what we need. While we work on this issue Kahlo will only be posting her headshots from her modeling portfolio. She doesn’t want a bunch of followers who are only here for her boob. #instafamous
#influencer #model #fridakahlo #Poof #cropbra #petchicken #PolishChicken #whitecrestedblackpolish #topheavy #specialneedschicken #chickenportrait. #chickenselfiesunday @pagepardo