Do I have two kinds of worms? The ones on my palm are greenish and ball up when I pick them up. The ones on my fingers are reddish and immediately stretch out and try to escape. I dug them up in two separate potato hills but right next to each other in the garden. Hmmm…
#worms #gardenfriends #zone7b #digginginthedirt #redworms #greenworms #MasterGardener

Just a minute of chickens eating collards. The for main characters are Donna the #silkie, Vi the #Cochin, Becky with the Good Hair and Kahlo the #whitecrestedblackpolish. Guest appearances by Gretch the jerk and Wilga the feather plucker. They really do each have their own personalities.
#petchicken #backyardpoultry #collardgreens #PolishChicken #chickenvideo #chickensnacks
This “Mouse Ear Blue Hosta” spoke to me at the nursery. I had no idea it was such a show off in the flower department. I choose plants (and paint) based on the names. Good idea? Probably not. But my house is painted “Dark Squirrel” and I have a “Mouse Ear” hosta so I think I’m winning!
#hostas #zone7b #hostaflowers #mouseears #gardenwin #shadegarden #GwinnettCounty
The corn is f’d. Every year, same story. Swipe for the progression from no rain to light rain to thunderstorm. I’ve tried planting it deeper, hilling the rows, planting closer, further, more rows, less rows. I’ve tried shielding them with fencing, between trellises, additional posts, words of encouragement, threats. I’ve planted earlier, later, different varieties, more water, less water, fertilizer, weeds, mulch, companions. I’m out of ideas.
If anyone can tell me how to keep my corn vertical until harvest I would really appreciate it! I f’ing . #zone7b #growingcorn #gardeningfail #gardenfail #MasterGardener #eatlocal #growyourown #upickfarm #boo #gardentips #zone7 #vegetablegarden #growingvegetables
The garden inspectors noticed some blueberries had fallen off the bushes. Don’t worry, they cleaned that right up. And then a few that hadn’t yet fallen but might have soon. They took care of those. And they wanted me to pass down a few from the higher branches but I had to draw a line. It’s a very wavy line.
#petchicken #oliveegger #gloriavanderbuilt #sophiebhawkins #EasterEgger #chickensaddle #blueberrybush #rabbiteye #spoiledchickens #zone7b
I was hoping this flower would open today but instead all of the petals fell off. I planted a pack of wildflower seeds (horrible idea. There is no way to know which ones are weeds vs. flowers until the weeds are well established) and this is one of three varieties I’ve seen. I think it’s a poppy of some sort?
#wildflowers #beemix #zone7b #flowergarden #poppy #orangepoppy
I trimmed back some dead branches on the #OakLeafHydrangea this year. Then I stepped on one and punched a bloody hole in my foot. I think I’ll just let them grow however they please next year. I learned my lesson.
#hydrangea #annuals #zone7b #goldenhour #selfdefense #woods #frontyard #gardening #flowergarden
Current garden updates: Things are happening! The usual suspects are starting to produce. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and zucchini are well on the way. The corn in about ready fall over and be consumed by nature. Is this first picture Asapragus seeds? I let them all fern out and now they are growing these cute little pods. Maybe they are planting more asparagus for me!
Ok, I have to go chase the chickens out now. They followed me from plant to plant while I took pictures in case something was for them.
#zone7b #vegetablegarden #growyourown #eatlocal #yardtotable #blueberrybush #coolapeno #asparagus #rainbowbellpeppers #cucumbers
My first green egg in months! Welcome back to the party Glo or Wilga. It’s about time! Notice Gretch looking to see if I’m holding snacks? Notice how she is in the garden and not the chicken area? Today she nearly uprooted two pepper plants while looking for a fresh dust bath. So helpful! Currently all alone in first place for worst chicken in my flock.
#farmfresheggs #backyardpoultry #eatlocal #farmtotable #SicilianButtercup #petchicken #colorfuleggs #greeneggs
The first spaghetti squash is on the vine! Only two plants germinated but that is probably a blessing as they are already over 6 feet tall and spreading. Meanwhile, on the #cucumelon trellis, the first plant just reached the bottom rung. I planted the seeds on the same day.
#zone7b #spaghettisquash #trellis #squashblossom #gardeningsuprises #gardeningingeorgia
The poor bunny is it out of green beans! How could I let this happen!? I suppose she’ll have to move on to her second favorite crop. I don’t know what that is yet but I’m sure I’ll find out soon. I wish it was weeds.
#bunny #gardenpests #gardeningingeorgia #redleaflettuce #swisschard #zucchini #MasterGardener #rabbit
Donna and Vi like to hang out as far from the rooster as physically possible. Here they are, safely camouflaged in the jungle, waiting for the all clear to return to to coop for the night. It makes it hard to get an accurate head count but I do understand why they hate that power hungry little crower.
#donnamartin #VioletZindars #Silkie #cochin #freerangechickens #petchickens #junglefowl #volunteertomatoes #wildchickens
She’s no longer broody but oh, she is moody! She’s holding quite a grudge about being locked out of the coop for three days. The other two have moved on. Not Glo. This is her on the highest perch, just glaring. I think she wanted to be eye level with me for maximum intimidation.
#moody #gloriavanderbuilt #oliveegger #petchicken #angrybird #broodychicken #broodybreaker #comb #backyardpoultry #roost
The Thing I Did Not Plant is having another great year in a Place It Does Not Belong! Perhaps this is the year I move it to a forever home. It deserves it. From the compost pile, to the vegetable garden, to the back yard and finally to a good home. It’s been a long journey.
#cannas #volunteerplant #zone7b #gardening #ididntplantthis #magic #rehoming #cannaslily
The asparagus patch is a crazy, ferny mess. There are occasional new shoots appearing which makes me think that next year we may actually eat a few! Also, the asparagus does not seem to have any predators at this time. No bugs, birds, or other chewing friends. Interesting.
#asparagus #zone7b #perennials #vegetablegarden #asparagusfern #gardenpests #futurefood
No, it’s cool. Just eat them right in front of me. Really, you’ve earned a snack. I know I bought the tree, grew the tree, fertilized it and weeded around it, but you were clearly born nearby and are entitled to unlimited nectarines. In fact, just eat half and throw the rest on the ground. I’ll clean up the rotten leftovers for you. Are you friends with the bunnies that are working their way through the green beans? Do you know the voles eating the seed potatoes? Maybe you guys could work out a schedule for maximum consumption. Who is going to work with the chickens to finish off the lettuce?
#nature #gardenpests #squirrelfood #squirrels #nectarinetree #nectarine #decorative #ornamentaltree #voles #yardfriends #snowwhite
Update: I put him under the tree near where I found him and his parents came to guide him out into the field. He hopped down the hill stretching his itty bitty wings and followed the adult birds towards the tree line and away from the parking lot. Success!
Help! I made a new friend at work today! This little #mockingbird was in danger of being run over so I had to save it. Now it is in a box with a hot water bottle mama. It eats well and naps a lot. Now what? What should I feed it? How long will it be mine? Should I release it where I found it when it is bigger? Any advice welcomed!
#goodwithchickens #mockingjay #wildbird #angrybirds #Birdbox #birdrehab @awarewildlife

A full minute of complete indifference to the rules. Dustbathing in the garden and eating the lettuce just inches from my face as though I haven’t chased them out of here 10 times a day for weeks. Gretchen, the #SicilianButtercup, is the ringleader and Hawk, the #EasterEgger, is just along for the ride. Gretchen is absolutely making me crazy! She refuses to stay in the chicken area and is devouring my garden! She looks so smug. Monster.
#petchicken #chickenvideo #dustbath #chickensaddle #tinyfarmer #gardenpests #youretheworst #sophiebhawkins #zone7b #partnersincrime
You thought they might give up? Nope. Broody AF. These three nimrods are tied for Least Favorite Chicken with the lettuce-eater and the feather-plucker. Can I send my chickens to summer camp? We need a change of scenery.
#broodybesties #broodychicken #broody #oliveegger #Silkie #Cornish #gloriavanderbuilt #ruthbaderginsburg #brycedallashoward #girlgang #girlboss #squad #broodysquad #backyardchickens
Current status of the decorative nectarine tree: 75% of the fruits have been knocked off the tree, 25% are waiting to be knocked off. As you can see from the assortment I picked up off of the ground, the squirrels nibble about half of the fruits and knock the rest loose while running around in the tree. It’s super helpful and not at all infuriating.
#squirrelfood #nectarinetree #nectarines #zone7b #gardeningfail #tinyfarm
Vi is updating her headshots. You may vote on your favorites. They are all excellent but you might prefer one angle over another. My favourite is the transition from picture 2 to picture 3.
#VioletZindars #petchicken #chickenportrait #Cochin #silverlacedcochin #herringbone #beautyqueen #beautygirl #pinup #beak #chickenselfie #headshots #eagle
Kahlo doesn’t want to seem #thirsty by posting a full body shot by the pool but she does want to update you on her food boob situation. After her last stay at the spa for #IntermittentFasting, she adopted a regimen of increased grit availability and nightly crop massages. This seems to have done the trick! Her #foodboob is much more proportional and empties fully at night. She is now #bodygoals and ready for summer. Also, she is actually thirsty which is why she’s drinking out of the mud puddle.
#petchicken #Kahlo #fridakahlo #whitecrestedblackpolish #PolishChicken #crop #chickenportrait #myflock #hairgoals #violetZ #cochin #instagrammodel
Gretchen is on my last nerve. Let’s list the things in just this one picture that are a problem. First, she is in the garden. She’s supposed to be in the chicken area but she can fly. Second, can you see all of the damage she has done to the lettuce and broccoli? I share with her! I bring them tons of snacks but she wants to destroy the plants herself. Finally, she is blissfully taking a dustbath in the midst of her destruction. She doesn’t even have the courtesy to act ashamed or worried about the consequences. Last. Nerve. Chicken.
#Gretchen #SicilianButtercup #dustbath #petchicken #gardeningwithchickens #badchicken #troublemaker #crazythingschickenpeopledo #backyardpoultry #tinyfarmer
Watering in the new garden bed. We received quite a few leftover ferns and hellebores from the #GwinnettCounty #MasterGardener plant sale so I mixed them in with my split hostas and we have a whole bed of free plants!
#zone7b #hostas #ferns #lentenrose #hellebore #shadegarden #gardentour2020 #manuallabor #gardeningingeorgia #wooded
Just trying to get a picture of a gorgeous #PolishChicken and I get not one, but two #Silkie photobombers! Sonia the #EvilRoo is always around when I get close to a hen but Donna was an unexpected surprise!
#beckywiththegoodhair #SoniaSotomayor #donnamartin #BuffLacedPolish #silkierooster #petchickens #chickenportrait #myflock #silkies #squad
We employed the “one-for-you, one-for-me” method of hosta splitting and now we have a whole bed full of deer lettuce, I mean hostas! The yard is about 85% fenced now so perhaps we have a chance. Welcome to #zone7b hostas! I hope you like it here.
#hosta #hostas #splittinghostas #sharingiscaring #freeplants #travellinghostas #GwinnettCounty #zone7 #shadegarden #shadetolerant