Day 1 of #roadtrip2018 – left Atlanta at midnight. Hit a pothole in the middle of the highway in Chattanooga hard enough to bend a wheel. Finished our 1200 mile drive to South Dakota with a wonderful front end vibration. We went to a falls in Sioux Falls. It looks better than it smells. The good part of vacation should start tomorrow.
Broody Rosie. This aggressively broody girl spent last night in the outside pen and is still 100% broody. She is currently spending night number two outside. Let’s see how long it takes to turn off her insanity! She seems pretty committed.
#broody #broodychicken #petchicken #backyardchickens #Rosie #poundchicken #adopted #turkeytail #chickenportrait

Rosie is so broody she CAN’T EVEN. Watch for 20 seconds as she frantically scratches with a turkey tail, yells at me, then sprints away. Later she chased her sisters and shrieked the entire way back to the nesting box. So fun.
#broody #broodychicken #Rosie #gamebird #chickenvideo #chickensofinstagram #petchicken #crazychicken #turkey #backyardchickens @adoptabirdnetwork
We pick up free mulch from the city and sometimes it comes with treasures! This differently-abled #Batman was unearthed while planting the second round of potatoes today. If I plant him will be grow more superheroes?
#freemulch #yougetwhatyoupayfor #lovelawrenceville #Gwinnettcounty #gardeningsuprises #mastergardener #zone7b #superhero #Lawrenceville
Sonia is keeping a close eye on the crew as they dust bathe. Very serious business on the dirt mound today. There has been quite a bit of dust bath thievery. Must patrol.
#silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #sophiebhawkins #EasterEgger #dirtbath #cochin #petchickens #flock #peckingorder #chickensofinstagram
My chickens have always been vampires. They avoid the sun! If I let them out during the day they will skirt the edges of the coop to stay in the shade. Except Rosie. Rosie has always been a sunbathing master! She seems to be teaching the others to appreciate a good soak. Big Red is glowing! Bryce is an awkward brontasaurus, but in the sun. Vitamin D on point!
#cochin #partridgecochin #gamebird #brontosaurus #sunbathing #vitamind #petchickens #backyardchickens #myflock
One of these garden statues is an impostor! Hmmm…which one? I like to share my garden harvests but this guy is greedy and eating the green beans to the ground! Bad bunny! Adorably hop your cute little cotton tail out of my garden!
#bunnies #menace #greenbeans #predator #Gwinnettcounty #bunny #rabbittrouble #badnews #socutetho #fence
Becky lost her Poof in a pecking order reshuffling. To minimize additional feather plucking I sprayed her with #bluekote. End result: the most punk rock chicken.
#beckywiththegoodhair #BuffLacedPolish #backyardchickens #petchicken #polishchicken #bluehair #messyhairdontcare #punkrock #peckingorder #prettygirl
Weeding is so much more rewarding when you have chickens! They are so excited to see me coming with a pitchfork full of weeds. But terrified when I lift it over the fence. Never lift things!
#petchickens #backyardflock #velociraptor #brontosaurus #donnamartin #Kahlo #beckywiththegoodhair #Gretch #Glo #backyardpoultry #gardeninghelpers #saladbar
#tbt One year ago was our last day at La Batterie Villa in Saint Lucia. One of the greatest #Airbnb houses we’ve rented. Anyone going to Saint Lucia should try to rent this place. Room for 3 or 4 couples, fully staffed, amazing views, right down the ‘road’ from #jademountainresort. We’ll definitely go back there again in a few years. #stlucia #labatterievilla #jademountain @labatterie.saintlucia