Jesse’s Posts

Jesse’s Instagram

Mango pit: Before and After. I really don't understand how the mango pit holds into so much flesh. It isn't that big but it stubbornly keeps me from eating at least an ounce of fruit. If I didn't have the velociraptors to share it with I would feel bad about all of that food waste. I wish mangos were more like avocados in the pit department.

Mango pit: Before and After. I really don’t understand how the mango pit holds into so much flesh. It isn’t that big but it stubbornly keeps me from eating at least an ounce of fruit. If I didn’t have the velociraptors to share it with I would feel bad about all of that food waste. I wish mangos were more like avocados in the pit department.
#mango #mangopit #petchicken #experiment #mangochicken #oliveegger #SicilianButtercup #Cochin #chickensnacks #sharingiscaring #themoreyouknow

Jesse’s Instagram

I really want to see what a mango pit looks like. The tiny velociraptors will clean it for me! Is this how you make Mango Chicken? Listen past 30 seconds to hear the rooster take credit for the treat. Men.

I really want to see what a mango pit looks like. The tiny velociraptors will clean it for me! Is this how you make Mango Chicken? Listen past 30 seconds to hear the rooster take credit for the treat. Men.
#petchickens #chickentreats #Violet #Gretch #gloriavanderbuilt #Kahlo #SoniaSotomayor #mango #backyardchickens #myflock #happychickens #fresheggs

Jesse’s Instagram

I pathetically purchased at the farmers market a week ago. With great shame, I told the farmer that all my plants had succumbed to vine borers. He said that his secret is coffee grounds. So, I raided all of the coffee makers at work for the used grounds and now my new zucchini and I smell like baristas. Will my zucchini be caffeinated?

I pathetically purchased #zucchini at the farmers market a week ago. With great shame, I told the farmer that all my plants had succumbed to vine borers. He said that his secret is coffee grounds. So, I raided all of the coffee makers at work for the used grounds and now my new zucchini and I smell like baristas. Will my zucchini be caffeinated?
#vineborer #homegrown #organicgardening #organicpestcontrol #coffeegrounds #recycling #upcycle #lilburnfarmersmarket #zone7b

Jesse’s Instagram

Kahlo has been working on this look all day. You start with a perfect Polish poof then lightly dampen by drinking out of all available mud puddles. Please notice how her wattles are adorably buckled under her chin. I have no idea how she accomplished that. Supermodel.

Kahlo has been working on this look all day. You start with a perfect Polish poof then lightly dampen by drinking out of all available mud puddles. Please notice how her wattles are adorably buckled under her chin. I have no idea how she accomplished that. Supermodel.
#Kahlo #fridakahlo #whitecrestedblackpolish #PolishChicken #petchicken #chickenportrait #tinyfarmer #beetleblack #happyhens #bouffant #Poof

Jesse’s Instagram

Thank goodness the rain filled this random bowl with water! Every single chicken has had a drink from it tonight. If it weren't for this bowl, where would they get liquids? From those huge waterers I regularly wash and fill? I think not! Ridiculous. Everyone knows the best water is from mud puddles. Random bowls are a distant second.

Thank goodness the rain filled this random bowl with water! Every single chicken has had a drink from it tonight. If it weren’t for this bowl, where would they get liquids? From those huge waterers I regularly wash and fill? I think not! Ridiculous. Everyone knows the best water is from mud puddles. Random bowls are a distant second.
#SicilianButtercup #Gretchen #silkie #silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #petchicken #rainwater #jerks

Jesse’s Instagram

Cherry Tomato + Basil Leaf = Bruschetta for one
(Not for two chicken! Get back in the coop! When will Gretchen stop being able to fly? She is the last one who can still make it over the fence.)

Cherry Tomato + Basil Leaf = Bruschetta for one
(Not for two chicken! Get back in the coop! When will Gretchen stop being able to fly? She is the last one who can still make it over the fence.)
#gardenhelper #homegrown #zone7b #SicilianButtercup #petchicken #GeorgiaGrown

Jesse’s Instagram

Latergram from vacation. I was headed for the iceberg but stopped for the "Shell with Attached Seaweed" attraction. Pretty fancy nature!

Latergram from vacation. I was headed for the iceberg but stopped for the “Shell with Attached Seaweed” attraction. Pretty fancy nature!
#exploreNL #icebergalley #kingspoint #newfoundland #roadtrip #iceberg

Jesse’s Instagram

Bryce Dallas Howard, featured model for @mcmurray_hatchery, shows off her loooong neck. Part giraffe, part velociraptor and all crazy, Bryce is a great addition to my flock of oddities. Her sister Gloria is perched behind, doing her best impression. Someone (Wilga) has been plucking out her neck feathers. Such personality! Such troublemakers!

Bryce Dallas Howard, featured #WhiteLacedRedCornish model for @mcmurray_hatchery, shows off her loooong neck. Part giraffe, part velociraptor and all crazy, Bryce is a great addition to my flock of oddities. Her sister Gloria is perched behind, doing her best #turken impression. Someone (Wilga) has been plucking out her neck feathers. Such personality! Such troublemakers!
#petchickens #backyardchickens #oliveegger #sisters #brycedallashoward #gloriavanderbuilt #happyeggs #happychickens

Jesse’s Instagram

On today's edition of "Nature is a Jerk" we have whatever is removing huge from the plants and just eating a few bites. This Jerk doesn't wait for the tomatoes to turn red, doesn't eat all of one before moving onto the next AND always chooses the I had my eye on. First, I was blaming when it was just a few nibbles. Next, I was cursing when it was more. But now, the tomatoes are being removed from higher up the plant and I assume it is a team. I'm thinking a duo of pecking at the stem with a using its creepy hands to hold the cage steady. Then a contingent of rabbits rolls the fallen fruit to a comfortable area where the whole team can relax together and enjoy it together. There might also be a small deer on the coaching staff. I've seen evidence of chest high nibbles I can't attribute to anyone else. Unless those raccoons are going at it totem pole style...

On today’s edition of “Nature is a Jerk” we have whatever is removing huge #greentomatoes from the plants and just eating a few bites. This Jerk doesn’t wait for the tomatoes to turn red, doesn’t eat all of one before moving onto the next AND always chooses the #tomato I had my eye on. First, I was blaming #birds when it was just a few nibbles. Next, I was cursing #bunnies when it was more. But now, the tomatoes are being removed from higher up the plant and I assume it is a team. I’m thinking a duo of #Cardinals pecking at the stem with a #Raccoon using its creepy hands to hold the cage steady. Then a contingent of rabbits rolls the fallen fruit to a comfortable area where the whole team can relax together and enjoy it together. There might also be a small deer on the coaching staff. I’ve seen evidence of chest high nibbles I can’t attribute to anyone else. Unless those raccoons are going at it totem pole style…
#gardenfail #gardenpests #zone7b #critters #sharingiscaring #mytomatoes #gardendangers #homegrown

Jesse’s Instagram

Just a minute of some Georgia chickens eating a Georgia peach! I skewered the peach to the ground so it wouldn't roll around and get dirty. There is a second peach stake on the other side of the chicken yard so that Vi and Donna didn't have to share. Spoiled? My chickens? No!! Stop!

Just a minute of some Georgia chickens eating a Georgia peach! I skewered the peach to the ground so it wouldn’t roll around and get dirty. There is a second peach stake on the other side of the chicken yard so that Vi and Donna didn’t have to share. Spoiled? My chickens? No!! Stop!
#fluffybuttfriday #whitelacedredcornish #silkie #silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #PolishChicken #Kahlo #petchicken #spoiledrotten #georgiaonmymind #scratchanddent #georgiapeach #GeorgiaGrown

Jesse’s Instagram

Latergram from vacation - Wikipedia says:
Roosevelt Campobello International Park preserves the house and surrounding landscape of the summer retreat of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt and their family. It is located on the southern tip of Campobello Island in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, and is connected to the mainland by the Roosevelt Memorial Bridge, at Lubec, Maine in the United States.

Latergram from vacation – Wikipedia says:
Roosevelt Campobello International Park preserves the house and surrounding landscape of the summer retreat of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt and their family. It is located on the southern tip of Campobello Island in the Canadian province of New Brunswick, and is connected to the mainland by the Roosevelt Memorial Bridge, at Lubec, Maine in the United States.
#roadtrip #campobello #campobelloisland #bordercrossing #lubec #FindYourPark

Jesse’s Instagram

My tomatoes will reach the sky! Several of the plants are approaching the 8 foot mark. This is the year I will cut them back so that it doesn't become a dense tomato jungle. This one. This is the year.

My tomatoes will reach the sky! Several of the plants are approaching the 8 foot mark. This is the year I will cut them back so that it doesn’t become a dense tomato jungle. This one. This is the year.
#lazygardener #zone7b #homegrown #tomatoes #growyourown #gardeningingeorgia #tomatocages

Jesse’s Instagram

Thank goodness Ruthie is no longer broody! Her quarter sized eggs are so important to our daily rations. 😀
I do appreciate your efforts tiny chicken. Even if they are not represented well by your production.

Thank goodness Ruthie is no longer broody! Her quarter sized eggs are so important to our daily rations. 😀
I do appreciate your efforts tiny chicken. Even if they are not represented well by your production.
#silkie #ruthbaderginsburg #blacksilkie #Bantams #bantamchickens #homegrown #happyeggs #petchicken

Jesse’s Instagram

Like an iceberg in an inlet, my vacation has reached its end.

Like an iceberg in an inlet, my vacation has reached its end.
#iceberg #newfoundland #kingspointnl #roadtrip #Canada #icebergspotting

Jesse’s Instagram

We had to come back to to see what we missed last week when it was all fogged in. Looks a little different in the sunshine! Highly recommend for those that are sure-footed and not afraid of heights!

We had to come back to #AcadiaNationalPark to see what we missed last week when it was all fogged in. Looks a little different in the sunshine! Highly recommend #BeehiveTrail for those that are sure-footed and not afraid of heights!
#FindYourPark #acadianp #barharbor #Maine #hiking #canadianlily

Jesse’s Instagram

Look at that little dude in the front! He's wearing a cast on his foot and absolutely playing it for extra treats. Oh, poor me, can't get over there, please deliver! Worked on me!

Look at that little dude in the front! He’s wearing a cast on his foot and absolutely playing it for extra treats. Oh, poor me, can’t get over there, please deliver! Worked on me!
#cabottrail #capebreton #ilovecbcraft #goatfarm #soap #cutegoat #longears

Jesse’s Instagram

Finally! I thought we were going to get out of Canada without a single spotting! At first it was just this large moose. Then there was one baby. Then two! It was so exciting! And, lest you think I'm good at spotting things, I included the picture where the moose literally crossed the walking path in front of a crowd of tourists.

Finally! I thought we were going to get out of Canada without a single spotting! At first it was just this large moose. Then there was one baby. Then two! It was so exciting! And, lest you think I’m good at spotting things, I included the picture where the moose literally crossed the walking path in front of a crowd of tourists.
#professionallevel #moose #skylinetrail #cabottrail #capebreton #hiking #novascotia #moosespotting #Canada #roadtrip

Jesse’s Instagram

A wild #pitcherplant! I would have thought they were tropical but it was growing in the exposed mantle at the in #GrosMorne!

A wild #pitcherplant! I would have thought they were tropical but it was growing in the exposed mantle at the #Tablelands in #GrosMorne!
#exploreNL #hiking #grosmornenationalpark #newfoundland #pitcherplants

Jesse’s Instagram

Hiking the Well marked, not crowded and great views! The internet oversold the dangers of the cliffside parts. I think the first plant looks like a very small hosta and the last picture is the color of pinecone one should choose if you get to choose your own color.

Hiking the #SkerwinkTrail. Well marked, not crowded and great views! The internet oversold the dangers of the cliffside parts. I think the first plant looks like a very small hosta and the last picture is the color of pinecone one should choose if you get to choose your own color.
#exploreNL #hiking #purplepinecones #newfoundland #portrexton #roadtrip #5k #skerwink

Jesse’s Instagram

I'm in love. Worth the whole trip!

I’m in love. Worth the whole trip!
#puffins #elliston #rootcellarcapitaloftheworld #exploreNL #puffinrock #roadtrip

Jesse’s Instagram

The purple and pink flowers are weeds! They grow along the highway and in medians. Such good weeds! The jelly bean houses are a trademark here in That's all we saw before the fog rolled in...

The purple and pink flowers are weeds! They grow along the highway and in medians. Such good weeds! The jelly bean houses are a trademark here in #StJohns. That’s all we saw before the fog rolled in…
#exploreNL #newfoundland #roadtrip #jellybeanhouses

Jesse’s Instagram

In addition to friendly sheep, our also had an enormous Check out the size of these blooms! Can you see the two ants? The formations in the last picture are the at

In addition to friendly sheep, our #airbnb also had an enormous #peony. Check out the size of these blooms! Can you see the two ants? The formations in the last picture are the #flowerpots at #HopewellRocks.
#airbnbexperience #travelbug #newbrunswick #bayoffundy #roadtrip

Jesse’s Instagram

I was worried that the sheep at my were not going to be friendly. But then I sat down with a piece of pie and discovered that sheep are just like any other animal. Scroll for the progression.

I was worried that the sheep at my #airbnb were not going to be friendly. But then I sat down with a piece of pie and discovered that sheep are just like any other animal. Scroll for the progression.
#sheep #bayoffundy #newbrunswick #Canada #roadtrip #summervacation #hungrysheep #airbnb #travelbug

Jesse’s Instagram

Maine. So far it is 100% fog. Having read a lot of novels I am concerned about the fogs of Maine. If I don't make it out...

Maine. So far it is 100% fog. Having read a lot of #StephenKing novels I am concerned about the fogs of Maine. If I don’t make it out…
#spooky #foggy #Maine #acadianationalpark #roadtrip #lichen #hiking #danger

Jesse’s Instagram

"A short hike to the longest single drop waterfall in the state." say short, I hear difficult! I know your games guidebook.

“A short hike to the longest single drop waterfall in the state.” Sure…you say short, I hear difficult! I know your games guidebook.
#hiking #bashbish #bashbishfallsstatepark #bashbishfalls #RallyNorthAmerica

Jesse’s Instagram

We used to pull these off of the bushes and throw them at each other. We called it a snowball fight! We were animals. They did not deserve that treatment.

We used to pull these off of the bushes and throw them at each other. We called it a snowball fight! We were animals. They did not deserve that treatment.
#Hydrangea #hydrangeas #snowballs #roadtrip #whitehydrangea

Jesse’s Instagram

Harvest! There's about two cups of there. I think I'll take them to work and blow some minds! I'm going to have to explain light yellow too. People expect certain things from their produce and I prefer the oddities.

Harvest! There’s about two cups of #cucumelons there. I think I’ll take them to work and blow some minds! I’m going to have to explain light yellow #bellpeppers too. People expect certain things from their produce and I prefer the oddities.
#zone7b #mexicansourgherkin #zucchini #blackcherrytomato #basil #Burpless #gardener

Jesse’s Instagram

I have no idea what this is or how it got here! It volunteered about 10 feet from my compost pile but I don't recall ever planting a squash or pumpkin that looks like this. I guess I'll wait until it matures to see what it turns into! Currently it is about the size of a softball.

I have no idea what this is or how it got here! It volunteered about 10 feet from my compost pile but I don’t recall ever planting a squash or pumpkin that looks like this. I guess I’ll wait until it matures to see what it turns into! Currently it is about the size of a softball.
#gardeningsuprises #squash #pumpkins #volunteersquash #zone7b #mysteryplant #gardeningingeorgia #MasterGardener

Jesse’s Instagram

People often ask me what to plant when they are just starting to garden. I always recommend peppers because they are reliable and prolific! My ideal number of jalepenos is one. I just need to make salsa when the tomatoes are ripe. Inevitably I have piles of jalepenos well before I am salsa ready. Peppers are also easy to give away.

People often ask me what to plant when they are just starting to garden. I always recommend peppers because they are reliable and prolific! My ideal number of jalepenos is one. I just need to make salsa when the tomatoes are ripe. Inevitably I have piles of jalepenos well before I am salsa ready. Peppers are also easy to give away.
#gardener #gardeningingeorgia #peppers #coolapeno #coolapenos #zone7b #harvest #growyourown #eatlocal #GwinnettCounty

Jesse’s Instagram

Work flowers. These are out in the middle of a parking lot, just pleasing pollinators and smelling good! I really appreciate that. 
(I don't know the names of any of these.)

Work flowers. These are out in the middle of a parking lot, just pleasing pollinators and smelling good! I really appreciate that.
(I don’t know the names of any of these.)
#pinkones #purpleones #yellowones #flowers #zone7b #flowerbed #colorful #flowers

Jesse’s Instagram

Locking the broodies out of the coop for three days meant everyone was locked out. What's a laying hen to do? Dig an adorable hole under the ramp and treat it like a group nesting box! Good job girls! I appreciate your efforts.

Locking the broodies out of the coop for three days meant everyone was locked out. What’s a laying hen to do? Dig an adorable hole under the ramp and treat it like a group nesting box! Good job girls! I appreciate your efforts.
#fresheggs #Eastereggs #diggers #petchickens #smarties #egghunt #broodybreaking #greeneggs

Jesse’s Instagram

Squash Lady Beetle larvae. Not beneficial. Got squished. Also, walks significantly faster than I would have expected for a hairy blob.

Squash Lady Beetle larvae. Not beneficial. Got squished. Also, walks significantly faster than I would have expected for a hairy blob.
#squashbugs #ladybeetle #gardenpests #zone7b #zucchini #predator #gardeninggloves #naturalpestcontrol #gardeningingeorgia

Jesse’s Instagram

Picking blueberries with Glo. Turn it up and listen to her sweet little chirps! (Yes, she has convinced me to lift her up to reach more berries. Fallen berries are for losers.)

Picking blueberries with Glo. Turn it up and listen to her sweet little chirps! (Yes, she has convinced me to lift her up to reach more berries. Fallen berries are for losers.)
#oliveegger #petchicken #gloriavanderbuilt #gardeningwithchickens #zone7b #spoiledrotten #chickentreats #gardeningsuprises #mychick #bestfriendgoals

Jesse’s Instagram

Cucumelons! Looks like a miniature watermelon, tastes like a fruity cucumber. This is my second year growing them and I think they are worth the trellis space!

Cucumelons! Looks like a miniature watermelon, tastes like a fruity cucumber. This is my second year growing them and I think they are worth the trellis space!
#cucumelon #mexicansourgherkin #zone7b #trellis #homegrown #gardensnacks #fromseed #GeorgiaGrown

Jesse’s Instagram

Guess who is locked out of the coop? These idiots! They have the whole yard to run around in and they are standing three feet from the door to the coop in case it magically opens from the intensity of their glare. Not happening. Broody chickens are so focused!

Guess who is locked out of the coop? These idiots! They have the whole yard to run around in and they are standing three feet from the door to the coop in case it magically opens from the intensity of their glare. Not happening. Broody chickens are so focused!
#BroodyBunch #broodysquad #broodybesties #broodychicken #ruthbaderginsburg #silkies #brycedallashoward #whitelacedredcornish #petchicken #backyardchickens

Jesse’s Instagram

You win this round, Nature. The combination of gravity, rain and squirrels was too much for my first round of corn. I got 6 ears for human consumption, about the same for chicken treats and then had to clean it out. Seconds round is already up and I have plans! Game on!

You win this round, Nature. The combination of gravity, rain and squirrels was too much for my first round of corn. I got 6 ears for human consumption, about the same for chicken treats and then had to clean it out. Seconds round is already up and I have plans! Game on!
#corn #cornstalk #homegrowncorn #gardencart #gardenfail #zone7b #gardenpests #sweetcorn #keeptrying

Jesse’s Instagram

Not quite open? Not a problem! This pollinator was on a mission. He went right from here to a female flower and got the job done. Thank you!

Not quite open? Not a problem! This pollinator was on a mission. He went right from here to a female flower and got the job done. Thank you!
#pollinators #squashblossom #bumblebee #pollinator #bee #bees #savethepollinators #gardenhelper #zone7b

Jesse’s Instagram

Purple Cauliflower. This was my best one of nine. Never really got close to edible. I can't seem to grow cauliflower here. I think it gets too hot, too fast and the bugs move right in. But I keep trying!

Purple Cauliflower. This was my best one of nine. Never really got close to edible. I can’t seem to grow cauliflower here. I think it gets too hot, too fast and the bugs move right in. But I keep trying!
#zone7b #purplecauliflower #gardenfail #growyourown #eatlocal #eattherainbow

Jesse’s Instagram

I have all the stages of tomatoes! Ripe, almost ripe, unripe, flowery, and just planted. All the plants are looking pretty good and worms are being controlled. I don't want to jinx it but this is the best start I've had in a while. Fingers crossed! Oh, and we had four ears of corn for dinner. Take that, wildlife!

I have all the stages of tomatoes! Ripe, almost ripe, unripe, flowery, and just planted. All the plants are looking pretty good and worms are being controlled. I don’t want to jinx it but this is the best start I’ve had in a while. Fingers crossed! Oh, and we had four ears of corn for dinner. Take that, wildlife!
#tomatoplants #homegrown #chocolatecherry #CherokeePurple #mysterytomatoes #zone7b #tomatosandwich #futurefood