Bryce wants to be my friend but she DOES NOT WANT me to touch her. I really want to pet her Brontasaurus neck. It’s soooo long!
Yesterday she snuck up behind me and pecked at my hood. When I turned around to see who it was I spooked her. She jumped about a foot in the air and then sprinted away. Goof.
#brycedallashoward #redhead #petchicken #petchickens #silkies #fluffybuttfriday #chickenportrait #goldenhour #wattles #chickenrun
Yes, you have been caught. You have escaped from the chicken side of the fence and are clearly on the garden side. However, since I was planning to feed those greens to you anyway, you may remain. Enjoy!
#SicilianButtercup #wintergarden #petchickens #spoiledchickens #mastergardener #tinyfarmer #homegrown #organic #zone7b
Donna, Violet and Big Red are three of my four original chickens. Here they are, not mingling with the babies, talking shit and generally being mean girls. I love them so!
#Silkie #silverlacedcochin #partridgecochin #Broccoli #petchickens #tinyfarmer #meangirls #girlgang #GwinnettCounty #foraging #brsties
First picture: The first 5 sweet potatoes I harvested. Success! Take that you garden rats! (I mean deer.)
Second picture: An hour later, getting dark, estimated at more than 60 pounds of potatoes! Victory!
#mastergardener #deerfence #sweetpotatoes #yams #thanksgiving #holidayready #harvest #spade #tinyfarmer #tinyfarm
Did you babies lay these eggs? They were in Donna’s favorite box but they seem pointier than her eggs. If you all learned from Donna to lay your eggs in the same box I am going to be very impressed. She is an evil genius, beyond my imaginings.
#chickeneggs #firstegg #layer #hens #biggirls #silkies #Bantams #nestingbox #petchicken #Faverolle #SilverGreyDorking @mcmurray_hatchery

30 seconds of some velociraptors decimating an apple. Please watch until 20 seconds when Glo appears in the back. (I am holding the apple so that Becky has a non-moving target. Also, Bryce has the beak of a much more predatory bird. She hurts!)
#petchicken #petchickens #chickensnacks #apple #buffPolish #SicilianButtercup #SilverGreyDorking #EasterEgger #myflock #chickensaredinosaurs #oliveegger #bosses @mcmurray_hatchery
Fun story! We have lots of bats on our property. They live in the woods and in the garage vent. Normally we just see them fly out at night.
One morning I saw this bat chilling on a fountain in the front yard. He was very small, maybe the length of one finger. I thought maybe he just couldn’t find the garage vent before it got light.
A few hours later, after getting closer and closer, I noticed that he had a tick on his elbow! Case you see it? On the right side of the picture?
So, now I had to remove a tiny tick from a tiny bat. I recruited help, some extra long tweezers and we performed the tick removal!
At dusk he flew away and rejoined the group! I am convinced he landed low so I could find him and remove the tick. So smart!
#bat #GwinnettCounty #homevet #amateurveterinarian #Georgia #tick #Batman #savedit
Of course we are all forced to drink out of this mud puddle. The fresh water in the containers you provide is literally TOO FAR away. (The waterer is visible in the background of this photo. Monsters.)
#Violet #Alejandra #BigRed #petchickens #cochin #whitecrestedblackpolish #myflock #besties #chickengang #peckingorder #mudpuddle #highmaintenance #backyardchickens #chickencoop
Please help me name this baby! She is a #SicilianButtercup. She is very inquisitive but a little shy. She is both a chaser and chasee. I am partial to historical, punny, and long names. Not Goldie – too easy. Let’s go!
#namethatchicken #backyardpoultry #petchickens #petchicken #doublecomb #closeup #beak #chickenportrait

Chicken play in three parts: Becky wants down but is very bad at jumping. Miss Hawkins is giving advice. Then there is a chase going on off to the side so Sonia and the #SilverGreyDorking get closer to me for protection. Finally, Becky manages a jump! And, scene. All drama, all the time.
#petchickens #chickenfight #silkies #PolishChickens #backyardchickens #myflock #SoniaSotomayor #sophiebhawkins
New name alert! This is Kahlo. She is named after Frida Kahlo, the famous Mexican artist most known for her self portraits. Kahlo the Chicken is also very into selfies and, while I do not think she has eyebrows, makes a strong hair statement in her own way. Welcome Kahlo!
#petchickens #fridakahlo #Kahlo #PolishChickens #whitecrestedblackpolish #tinyfarm #backyardchickens #myflock #chickenportrait #beetleblack #statementhair

The first minute of The Merge! I opened the small door between the two runs and now the adults and babies are interacting in an an enclosed space! Turn up the volume! Vi and Big Red are hiding in the corner complaining. The babies are using the excellent strategy of staying on the high perches. So far, no fights. They’ve been interacting in the yard for about 2 months so I am hoping this is not too much of a struggle. Fingers crossed!
#Violet #BigRed #Wilge #petchickens #Cochin #foghornleghorn #Faverolle #backyardchickens #TheMerge #onecoop #onerun @mcmurray_hatchery
These two nimrods figured out how to fly on top of the fence but now can’t get down! The chickens on the ground are freaked out because their sisters are on the fence and the chickens on the fence are yelling because they can’t get to the ground.
#petchickens #sillychicken #backyardpoultry #oliveegger #gloriavanderbuilt #SicilianButtercup #doubletrouble #flightlessbird
The tag says Rumex Raspberry Vinaigrette. Last year the deer ate it to the ground in the fall and it sprouted back up in the spring! I replanted it this year and hope to eat some. We’ll see!
#sharingiscaring #deersalad #rumex #raspberryvinaigrette #tinyfarm #gardener #wintergarden #futuresalad #herb
Dear Sonia,
I am concerned that you have a large comb and wattles that your sister Ruthie does not have. However, you show no signs of being aggressive. Just a fashion statement?
Please be a hen.
#silkies #noroosters #Silkie #SoniaSotomayor #petchickens #tinyfarm #myflock #4monthsold #chicks #GwinnettCounty #mastergardener
Oh my god Vi! I’m on the ground trying to take pictures. I am not distributing treats. Get out of the frame! (And how cute is Donna in the back left? Did someone say treats?)
#mychickens #petchickens #cochin #PolishChickens #Silkie #Faverolle #needychicken #comb #chickenrun #Violet #Alejandra #donnamartin
This is Wilga! I choose to pronounce it with a Germanic bent – think Vilga. She is a #Faverolle, sporting the trademark beard. She is named after Wilgefortis, a female saint of popular religious imagination whose legend arose in the 14th century, and whose distinguishing feature is a large beard. Her name is thought by some to derive from the Old German “heilige Vartez” (“holy face”). Thanks @wikipedia! So, this is holy face the chicken! Love her!
#petchickens #crazychickenlady #wilgefortis #faverolles #salmonfaverolle #GwinnettCounty #goldenhour
Big Red Chicken gives excellent side eye! My four big girls are now 6.5 years old. They are still laying about two eggs a day between them. They are as spunky as ever. I assume they’ll live to be 100.
#petchickens #Cochin #partridgecochin #furfeet #BigRed #backyardpoultry #biggirls #fresheggs #sideeye #bosslady
Nature walk! These flower clusters were each the size of a pencil eraser. I didn’t realize they were individual flowers until I looked at the picture! The #LancasterCountyPark has excellent trails, waterways and wildlife. Highly recommend.
#naturewalk #flowers #Lancaster #wildflowers #zoomin #LGphone #isawadeer
Can you see the Blue Tailed Skink? Bottom middle. Swipe for a zoom in. This cute guy lives on this log and survives by hiding under the bark when a chicken comes around. I caught him sunning this morning when I went to give Becky her antibiotics.
#nature #skink #bluetailedskink #lizard #tinyfarm #outdoorpets #pestcontrol #goodneighbors
I was trying to give Becky a little alone time with the feeder. She had to go to the vet today because she seems to have an inner ear infection. (See my last video for her dizzy and ear scratching symptoms.) Her alone time lasted about 30 seconds. Glo thinks she has rights and will not be denied!
#petchickens #spoiledrotten #sisters #gloriavanderbuilt #beckywiththegoodhair #buffPolish #chickenvet #GwinnettCounty