I did some rearranging in the run and now everyone is acting like the floor is lava. They are all standing on the remaining logs shouting about how unacceptable it is. I just wanted to freshen it up! Turn the compost! Improve drainage! But no. They hate it.
#petchickens #chickenrun #polishchicken #whitecrestedblackpolish #kahlo #sicilianbuttercup #Gretchen #zone7b #gardeningwithchickens #compost
Becky and I had a long conversation about her escape this week. She’s sorry she stressed me out and now understands that there are no treats on the other side of the fence. However, she blames me for not trimming her bangs. She got lost and couldn’t see her way home. Fair point.
#beckywiththegoodhair #beardedchicken #bufflacedpolish #polishchicken #petchickens #bouffant #bighairdontcare
Their personalities are so perfectly captured here. Vi is headed straight for me because if I squatted down there might be treats. Kahlo on the left is cracking me up with that interested head tilt. Becky is clueless and facing the wrong way. Donna is not participating. These are my pets. Pets are not food!
#vegetarian #petchickens #DarkBrahma #bufflacedpolish #silkie #whitecrestedblackpolish #polishchicken #covercrop #itsweeds