This girl is GROUNDED! Becky with the Good Hair gave me a terrible scare by wandering off yesterday! I couldn’t find her before dark so she spent whole night in the wild! (It might be obvious from her look, but she’s not the outdoorsy type.) The neighbor found her wandering in their yard this morning and returned her to safety. Becky is grounded. Vi is in trouble for not supervising her flock. Kahlo is stressed out from the upheaval. I’m exhausted. Keep it together flock!
#polishchicken #bufflacedpolish #beckywiththegoodhair #myflock #petchickens #escape
I am sitting inside the chicken coop because it is raining. Gretchen is clearly saying “Lady, that’s my house.” But I don’t want to get rained on and I do want them to have free range time so this is the compromise.
#judgemental #sicilianbuttercup #Gretchen #freerange #petchickens #beckywiththegoodhair
My winter garden looks like a lettuce playpen. I learned the hard way that I must fence in these babies or every hungry critter in the neighborhood will stop by. Broccoli, collards, kale, cabbage, lettuce and celery should keep the chickens and me in greens until spring. The fence stops deer, chickens, most bunnies and zero squirrels. I would say it is about 10′ x 20′.
#zone7b #wintergarden #lacinatokale #redleaflettuce #cabbage #broccoli #growyourown #chickensnacks #eatlocal #lovelawrenceville #Gwinnett
I can never find a shirt with capacity listed. I suppose materials, wash instructions, and country of origin are important but I really need to know how many bell peppers it can carry. “Long sleeved tee. Cotton. 18 bell pepper capacity. Not recommended for tomatoes.” This is useful.
#harvest #greenbellpepper #showmeyourpouch #headedtothefreezer #growyourown #eatlocal
Bryyyyyyce! (That’s how I usually say it because that’s how she squawks. Long, drawn out, braying.) Even though she is a catalog model for @mcmurray_hatchery, she rarely holds still for head shots.
#whitelacedredcornish #CornishHen #brycedallashoward #petchickens #chickenportrait #chickensofinstagram

This Dirt Vulture is Ruthie. She is broody (again) and when thrown out of her (empty) nesting box she immediately evicted her (much larger) sister from the favored dust bath. She is tiny but has #RBG energy.
#silkie #ruthbaderginsberg #petchickens #dirtbath #Gwinnett #broodyhen #broody #tinybutmighty
The Garden Inspector noticed that I was finalizing the winter garden and came over to discuss my permits. The fence is way too high and planting 100% of the lettuce INSIDE the fence was ruled a violation. I threw some scratch in the opposite direction and she took off. Hopefully that was a big enough bribe.
#gardeninspector #gloriavanderbuilt #Glo #petchickens #gardeningwithchickens #zone7b #oliveegger #myflock #wintergarden