This is one broody idiot sitting on another broody idiot. Bryce always sits on Ruth when she’s broody and Ruth is nearly always broody so that works out. They are currently locked out of the coop with Violet, queen of the broodies. I bet it takes 4 days to break them. They seem extra determined this go around.
#broodyhen #broody #brycedallashoward #ruthbaderginsburg #silkie #cornishhen #teenmom #angrybird

An interview with a Moody Broody. Violet is a champion brooder, dedicating weeks at a time to hatching nothing, and becoming frighteningly thin. When forced out for exercise she complains loudly while pacing back and forth in front of the door to her coop. Here she tells the story of how she was given her favorite foods, fresh water and hugs, aka Tortured!
#PoorVi #VioletZindars #petchickens #broodyhen #broodychicken #darkbrahma #backyardchickens #hugyourchickens #chickensofinstagram #chickenvideo
Oh my god! The tiny twin under her chest is too much! I didn’t see it when I was talking it but it is by far the best part of the picture. That is a sister photobomber! Sorry Glo, you’ve been seriously upstaged by Bryce.
#petchickens #gloriavanderbilt #brycedallashoward #whitelacedredcornish #oliveegger #myflock #photobomber #sisters #gardeningwithchickens #gwinnettcounty
Can I prune a #spagettisquash vine? Yesterday I decided that since eggplants and tomatoes are in the same family I should prune the suckers from the eggplants. They looked just like tomato suckers so it made sense. However, the squash vines are so different. First, I worry about them being hollow and allowing disease inside. Second, should I prune the main stem or the offshoots? They’ve run off the hog panel in both ends and are currently climbing the Leyland cypress trees! Thoughts?
#pruning #squash #zone7b #gardening #gardeningwithchickens #petchickens #vegetablegarden #tinyfarm #trellis #hogpanel
My first big blueberry harvest using my custom blueberry apron! I find it is much faster to harvest with two hands and it is too time consuming to walk back to the bowl with each handful. This is my solution. I think it needs one small modification and it will be perfect!
#blueberries #blueberrybush #zone7b #harvest #pickingblueberries #gardening #icansew #gwinnettcounty #mastergardener

Turn it up! I took Vi to the other end of the garden so she had to walk back for exercise. Not a #walkofshame, but a walk of rage! She yelled the whole way! Broody rage is serious! She’s 8 years old! I tried to tell her that she was more suited to being a grandmother than a mother but that did not go over well. I think she has been sitting on zero eggs for 3 weeks now.
#broody #broodyhen #darkbrahma #Violet #VioletZindars #petchickens #broodyrage #gardenwalk
Was this a dahlia? I’m using past tense because someone ate it and dug up the roots overnight. I was pretty excited to see what it was going to be. I don’t specifically remember planting it last year but the disappointment of seeing it destroyed actually rings a bell. This may be a pattern.
#dahlia #zone7b #gardening #squirrel #tubers #gardenpests
The garden inspectors noticed a few low hanging fruits on the cucumber vines and took samples. They were ruled unfit for human consumption and, as a safety measure, destroyed. This service was provided by The Worst Chicken and her colleague, Second Worst Chicken. I’ve filed a complaint (but I’m their supervisor). #gardeningwithchickens #freeranging #Gretchen #Gloria #Kahlo #sicilianbuttercup #zone7b #growingcucumbers #tinyfarm #badchickens
These are the most delicious black raspberries. I wish I could get them to produce better! They only set fruit on the second year growth so they need constant pruning and training. They are harboring a bumper crop of #poisonivy so I can’t really get in there to work on them. Also, the basketball hoop is adjacent so they often get beat up. They aren’t really primed for success.
#blackraspberry #blackraspberries #zone7b #berries #harvest #tinyfarm #homegrown #eatlocal
I got some new pruners and all of my tomatoes got a haircut! I cut off lots of extra stems and suckers to allow airflow to the plants. I also cut off all of the lowest leaves to prevent soil borne diseases from creeping in. It’s hard to get started, but once I did it was really satisfying to open up the vines and let the sunshine in!
#zone7b #tomatovines #pruningshears #fiskars #gardeninginga #vegetablegarden #Lawrenceville #gwinnettcounty
Breakfast bar! The lettuce is bolting in the heat (it’s going to be 90° F today) so I’m sharing with the flock. They completely consumed this head in about an hour. That’s a lot if tiny beak sized bites!
#backyardchickens #petchickens #lettuce #zone7b #gardeningingeorgia #gardeningwithchickens #polishchicken #friendsnotfood
Word is that there are protesters in downtown Lawrenceville. Since I’m not cognitively able to walk around for hours holding my phone up recording nothing we went out and picked up trash. If you want to make a positive change go do something positive. Wherever you are there is a street nearby with trash on it and no one will arrest you for cleaning it up. Please don’t be like the larpers on CNN walking around with their kitchen broom and dust pan, actual clean up involves trash bags, a box… or in my case a utv 😎
Word is that there are protesters in downtown Lawrenceville. Since I’m not cognitively able to walk around for hours holding my phone up recording nothing we went out and picked up trash. If you want to make a positive change go do something positive. Wherever you are there is a street nearby with trash on it and no one will arrest you for cleaning it up. Please don’t be like the larpers on CNN walking around with their kitchen broom and dust pan, actual clean up involves trash bags, a box… or in my case a utv 😎