So, this work plant has put out what I can only describe as a giant asparagus. (Also, it is pink and matches my shoes.) There are 10 of these plants and only one has an asparagus. It is about 4x the height of the plant. Fairly dramatic. Will update.
#variegatedplants #pinkasparagus #allbirds #zone7b
Is this the one that hurt me?
Side note: steroid cream is amazing. Why did I never get it as a child? My arms looked like they belonged to Groot and three days later they are just red and scabby. That’s a huge improvement. Really.
#poisonivy #poisonoak #poisonsumac #gardendangers #weedingfail #itchy #scratchy

As always, Vi is at the center of the snack circle. She does let the other girls get in a few nibbles. Becky and Kahlo, the poof heads, are actually comparatively small chickens but take up a lot of space in the circle.
#snackcircle #petchickens #Applecore #darkbrahma #SicilianButtercup #oliveegger #whitecrestedblackpolish #BuffLacedPolish #myflock #backyardchickens
Ruthie is broody yet again. She’s been locked out of the coop for a few hours and she jumped up on this branch to be eye level so we could discuss it. Her complaints are many, and her language fowl, but I’m not letting her back in.
#broodymonster #silkie #ruthbaderginsburg #broodyhen #angrybird #petchickens #tinyfury
Captain Awkward reporting for bowl drinking! Why is she looking at me like I’m the strange one? Did you know Bryce is featured with @mcmurray_hatchery, both online and in the catalog, as the #WhiteLacedRedCornish model? She’s supposed to look this way!
#petchickens #brycedallashoward #redhead #chickensofinstagram #cornishhen #model
Looks pretty innocent, right? Wrong! Bryce and Wilga had Becky pinned down and were plucking her head feathers. This is why I have to have two coops. They just can’t tolerate how perfect her bouffant is and try to destroy it! I don’t know why Becky never runs away. She just crouches shown and tries to wait it out. I saved her and have those monsters a stern talking to.
#petchickens #WhiteLacedRedCornish #salmonfaverolle #BuffLacedPolish #beckywiththegoodhair #brycedallashoward #wilgefortis #meangirls #myflock
Vi would like you to know she is starving! STARVING! Someone else ran off with the majority of the apple core so she missed out on the third treat session of the day. The feeder is full and she got plenty at treat sessions one and two but she really needed that apple core.
#VioletZindars #darkbrahma #petchickens #backyardchickens #chickentreats #lapchicken #scratch #featheredpigs
After my talk with Gretchen about dust bathing in the garden she must have told Gloria that it was forbidden. Gloria took that very seriously and limited herself to just two hours of disturbing the soil and nibbling broccoli leaves.
#petchickens #oliveegger #gloriavanderbuilt #dustbath #gardenpests #chickendrama
Hey Gretch, I just planted those items and would prefer you dust bathe in the secure area I have fenced off for chickens. It’s several hundred square feet, full of places to dig, things to climb and treats! All the other chickens are in there (because they can’t fly as well as you). So, can you please go back inside and away from my newly planted veggies? Guess how that ended…
#Gretchen #SicilianButtercup #petchickens #gardenfail #dustbath #zone7b #Broccoli