Vi wants you to know that she is displeased. Not about anything in particular but just generally aggravated. This can be remedied with treats. She would prefer warm oatmeal but will accept pretty much anything. Thank you for listening.
#VioletZindars #darkbrahma #petchickens #chickenselfie #closeup #backyardchickens #comb #chickensofinstagram
I put fresh straw in the rooster free coop as well as the nesting boxes. The results were mixed. Some chickens immediately investigated, kicked and removed the new material (see: Gretchen who doesn’t even live in this coop). Some believe this was an act of aggression and refused to enter the area. Despite these actions everyone spent the night with fresh bedding and were insulated from the cold. I’m bigger. I win.
#petchickens #SicilianButtercup #beckywiththegoodhair #BuffLacedPolish #Gretchen #coop #freezewarning #zone7b
I’m a little early for #FluffyButtFriday but I couldn’t wait! Can you see that Sonia has ONE green tailfeather? Just one. He grew it after his last molt. Very proud of himself. Never lets me sneak up behind him to photograph it. This was a combo treat distraction/zoom in scenario. Sonia is pretty much a peacock with this coloring, right?
#rooster #silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #petrooster #peacock #greenfeather #GwinnettCounty
I opened the gate between the enclosed chicken yard and the garden and they all bolted. It is kind of a muddy mess in the chicken zone but the garden isn’t much better right now. I suppose the forbidden area needs no actual attractions to be attractive.
#givethemaninch #escapists #backyardchickens #petchicken #silkie #explorers #zone7b #garden #weedcontrol
Weekend road trip in #ProjectDirtyBertha. She’s a very solid cruiser now that I swapped in a 4 speed manual. She kissed triple digits a few times on the way down but it takes a fair bit of open road to reach that with less than 150hp… #mercedes #w123 #300CD #om617a #humandrivingassociation #c2cexpress #cannonball
Weekend road trip in #ProjectDirtyBertha. She’s a very solid cruiser now that I swapped in a 4 speed manual. She kissed triple digits a few times on the way down but it takes a fair bit of open road to reach that with less than 150hp… #mercedes #w123 #300CD #om617a #humandrivingassociation #c2cexpress #cannonball

This is Sonia, my #Silkie Roo. He doesn’t usually eat the treats I put out unless his hens are busy elsewhere. I guess the plum skewers were irresistible because he didn’t even try to tidbit for the girls. His fresh Mohawk is looking really good and his pantaloons are very full. It’s a good life for a tiny rooster.
#SoniaSotomayor #silkierooster #petrooster #plums #chickenfood #supervisedfreerange

Tonight is the big night. If you have DirectTV tonight at 10pm est on channel 214 check out the first episode of #rallynorthamerica from 2019 where we raise about $225k for camp sunshine. It’s also streaming on the Lucas Oil TV app (look under recently added) and anywhere you get Mavtv. You see my black and yellow E63 wagon a little in this episode but we had a camera man with us toward the end on the drag racing day.

Tonight is the big night. If you have DirectTV tonight at 10pm est on channel 214 check out the first episode of #rallynorthamerica from 2019 where we raise about $225k for camp sunshine. It’s also streaming on the Lucas Oil TV app (look under recently added) and anywhere you get Mavtv. You see my black and yellow E63 wagon a little in this episode but we had a camera man with us toward the end on the drag racing day.
Can a #rhododendron pip? If so, please witness my first rhododendron to pip this year! I can’t wait for it to hatch. But, I know you can’t help them hatch. That can be dangerous. Best to make sure the humidity is right and let them get out of the shell by themselves. I may be mixing up rhododendrons and chicks. Probably true for both, except maybe the shell thing.
#gardeningsuprises #zone7b #purpleones #hatchday #forest #MasterGardener