Erm…have I interrupted something? Bryce is still diligently hatching Ruth and Ruth is still diligently hatching zero eggs. My broodies are not bright but they are dedicated.
#broodybesties #broodychicken #brycedallashoward #ruthbaderginsburg #petchickens #nestingboxdrama #silkies #cornishhen #whitelacedredcornish
Despite my concerns that the corn was a failure because it fell down again, the Garden Inspectors have declared it is complete success. If they had hands they would applaud. Jerks.
#petchicken #homegrown #corn #oliveegger #EasterEgger #Chickensaddle #chickentreats #gloriavanderbuilt #sophiebhawkins #zone7b
It’s just two weeks till @benzblogger and I head north on another adventure. We’re driving from Atlanta to Newfoundland starting off with 4 days of @rally_north_america from New York to @campsunshinemaine with hot laps on Watkins Glen and New England Dragway. Donation link to support the kids and families of #campsunshine is in my bio.
#longroofsociety #makeamericafastagain #bonnevillesaltflats #e63swagon #roadtrip #roadtrip2019 #e63amg #e63 #e63s #e63samg #e63wagon #mercedes #mercedesbenz #amg #rally #roadrally #rallynorthamerica @edbolian @arnesantics
It’s just two weeks till @benzblogger and I head north on another adventure. We’re driving from Atlanta to Newfoundland starting off with 4 days of @rally_north_america from New York to @campsunshinemaine with hot laps on Watkins Glen and New England Dragway. Donation link to support the kids and families of #campsunshine is in my bio.
#longroofsociety #makeamericafastagain #bonnevillesaltflats #e63swagon #roadtrip #roadtrip2019 #e63amg #e63 #e63s #e63samg #e63wagon #mercedes #mercedesbenz #amg #rally #roadrally #rallynorthamerica @edbolian @arnesantics
Nom for me, nom for you. Two of the chickens make a daily trek over to the blueberry bushes to assist with the harvest. They don’t normally venture so far from the coop but blueberries are a strong enticement.
#blueberries #blueberrythief #zone7b #rabbiteye #Chickensaddle #sophiebhawkins #hawk #orchard #homegrown #gardenhelper
These two geniuses are back in the broody business. Ruthie, the small black #silkie, is sitting on zero eggs in the preferred box. Bryce, my #whitelacedredcornish model, decided that Ruthie was pretty much baby sized so she’ll just skip the eggs and sit on her. Delightful. It’s also about 90°F outside and they are putting out a combined broody heat that could cook an egg, not hatch it! Also, the screeching! I’m giving them two days. This is just dumb.
#petchicken #petshaming #broodychicken #chickenmama #nestingboxdrama #broodybesties #heatwave
Vi, you’ve got a little grass…
No I don’t.
You do! It’s on both…
I’m serious. You’ve got grass hanging out of your beak.
Shut up. Provide treats. No commentary.
Jeez. Bossy ass chicken.
#VioletZindars #Cochin #silverlacedcochin #petchicken #biggirls #girlboss #chickenportrait #closeup #beautyqueen #glamour #backyardpoultry #chickenselfie #chickenselfiesunday
Flower progess photos! The Carlos #Lantanas are so cute! Each flower group is about the size of a quarter. Our #Hydrangea tree is starting to bloom! Very exciting. The deer only nibbled the bottom few branches. The #marigolds have a great view of the cucumbers coming in. I think I am supposed to companion plant them near the tomatoes but I didn’t. The #callalily plants seem to do better in darker colors. All if the yellow ones are struggling but the red and purple are rocking. Overall I am enjoying the flowers.
#gardeningsuprises #lantana #hydrangeas #zone7b #shadetolerant #shadegarden #yellowmarigolds #lilies #MasterGardener #companionplanting #feedthebees #pollinatorgarden
The first multi-crop harvest! The voles ate most of the potatoes so I decided to just see what was left. It’s about 10 lbs of #redpontiac and #yukongold potatoes. Not terrible…but I think I planted 20 lbs of seed potatoes. The peppers are #coolapenos, like jalepenos but not hot. We’ll see!
#harvestbasket #gardeninggloves #zone7b #vegetablegarden #peppers #eatlocal #yardtotable #futurefood
Do I have two kinds of worms? The ones on my palm are greenish and ball up when I pick them up. The ones on my fingers are reddish and immediately stretch out and try to escape. I dug them up in two separate potato hills but right next to each other in the garden. Hmmm…
#worms #gardenfriends #zone7b #digginginthedirt #redworms #greenworms #MasterGardener

Just a minute of chickens eating collards. The for main characters are Donna the #silkie, Vi the #Cochin, Becky with the Good Hair and Kahlo the #whitecrestedblackpolish. Guest appearances by Gretch the jerk and Wilga the feather plucker. They really do each have their own personalities.
#petchicken #backyardpoultry #collardgreens #PolishChicken #chickenvideo #chickensnacks
This “Mouse Ear Blue Hosta” spoke to me at the nursery. I had no idea it was such a show off in the flower department. I choose plants (and paint) based on the names. Good idea? Probably not. But my house is painted “Dark Squirrel” and I have a “Mouse Ear” hosta so I think I’m winning!
#hostas #zone7b #hostaflowers #mouseears #gardenwin #shadegarden #GwinnettCounty
The corn is f’d. Every year, same story. Swipe for the progression from no rain to light rain to thunderstorm. I’ve tried planting it deeper, hilling the rows, planting closer, further, more rows, less rows. I’ve tried shielding them with fencing, between trellises, additional posts, words of encouragement, threats. I’ve planted earlier, later, different varieties, more water, less water, fertilizer, weeds, mulch, companions. I’m out of ideas.
If anyone can tell me how to keep my corn vertical until harvest I would really appreciate it! I f’ing . #zone7b #growingcorn #gardeningfail #gardenfail #MasterGardener #eatlocal #growyourown #upickfarm #boo #gardentips #zone7 #vegetablegarden #growingvegetables
The garden inspectors noticed some blueberries had fallen off the bushes. Don’t worry, they cleaned that right up. And then a few that hadn’t yet fallen but might have soon. They took care of those. And they wanted me to pass down a few from the higher branches but I had to draw a line. It’s a very wavy line.
#petchicken #oliveegger #gloriavanderbuilt #sophiebhawkins #EasterEgger #chickensaddle #blueberrybush #rabbiteye #spoiledchickens #zone7b
I was hoping this flower would open today but instead all of the petals fell off. I planted a pack of wildflower seeds (horrible idea. There is no way to know which ones are weeds vs. flowers until the weeds are well established) and this is one of three varieties I’ve seen. I think it’s a poppy of some sort?
#wildflowers #beemix #zone7b #flowergarden #poppy #orangepoppy
I trimmed back some dead branches on the #OakLeafHydrangea this year. Then I stepped on one and punched a bloody hole in my foot. I think I’ll just let them grow however they please next year. I learned my lesson.
#hydrangea #annuals #zone7b #goldenhour #selfdefense #woods #frontyard #gardening #flowergarden
Current garden updates: Things are happening! The usual suspects are starting to produce. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and zucchini are well on the way. The corn in about ready fall over and be consumed by nature. Is this first picture Asapragus seeds? I let them all fern out and now they are growing these cute little pods. Maybe they are planting more asparagus for me!
Ok, I have to go chase the chickens out now. They followed me from plant to plant while I took pictures in case something was for them.
#zone7b #vegetablegarden #growyourown #eatlocal #yardtotable #blueberrybush #coolapeno #asparagus #rainbowbellpeppers #cucumbers
My first green egg in months! Welcome back to the party Glo or Wilga. It’s about time! Notice Gretch looking to see if I’m holding snacks? Notice how she is in the garden and not the chicken area? Today she nearly uprooted two pepper plants while looking for a fresh dust bath. So helpful! Currently all alone in first place for worst chicken in my flock.
#farmfresheggs #backyardpoultry #eatlocal #farmtotable #SicilianButtercup #petchicken #colorfuleggs #greeneggs
The first spaghetti squash is on the vine! Only two plants germinated but that is probably a blessing as they are already over 6 feet tall and spreading. Meanwhile, on the #cucumelon trellis, the first plant just reached the bottom rung. I planted the seeds on the same day.
#zone7b #spaghettisquash #trellis #squashblossom #gardeningsuprises #gardeningingeorgia
The poor bunny is it out of green beans! How could I let this happen!? I suppose she’ll have to move on to her second favorite crop. I don’t know what that is yet but I’m sure I’ll find out soon. I wish it was weeds.
#bunny #gardenpests #gardeningingeorgia #redleaflettuce #swisschard #zucchini #MasterGardener #rabbit
Donna and Vi like to hang out as far from the rooster as physically possible. Here they are, safely camouflaged in the jungle, waiting for the all clear to return to to coop for the night. It makes it hard to get an accurate head count but I do understand why they hate that power hungry little crower.
#donnamartin #VioletZindars #Silkie #cochin #freerangechickens #petchickens #junglefowl #volunteertomatoes #wildchickens
She’s no longer broody but oh, she is moody! She’s holding quite a grudge about being locked out of the coop for three days. The other two have moved on. Not Glo. This is her on the highest perch, just glaring. I think she wanted to be eye level with me for maximum intimidation.
#moody #gloriavanderbuilt #oliveegger #petchicken #angrybird #broodychicken #broodybreaker #comb #backyardpoultry #roost
The Thing I Did Not Plant is having another great year in a Place It Does Not Belong! Perhaps this is the year I move it to a forever home. It deserves it. From the compost pile, to the vegetable garden, to the back yard and finally to a good home. It’s been a long journey.
#cannas #volunteerplant #zone7b #gardening #ididntplantthis #magic #rehoming #cannaslily
The asparagus patch is a crazy, ferny mess. There are occasional new shoots appearing which makes me think that next year we may actually eat a few! Also, the asparagus does not seem to have any predators at this time. No bugs, birds, or other chewing friends. Interesting.
#asparagus #zone7b #perennials #vegetablegarden #asparagusfern #gardenpests #futurefood