Harvest! There’s about two cups of #cucumelons there. I think I’ll take them to work and blow some minds! I’m going to have to explain light yellow #bellpeppers too. People expect certain things from their produce and I prefer the oddities.
#zone7b #mexicansourgherkin #zucchini #blackcherrytomato #basil #Burpless #gardener
I have no idea what this is or how it got here! It volunteered about 10 feet from my compost pile but I don’t recall ever planting a squash or pumpkin that looks like this. I guess I’ll wait until it matures to see what it turns into! Currently it is about the size of a softball.
#gardeningsuprises #squash #pumpkins #volunteersquash #zone7b #mysteryplant #gardeningingeorgia #MasterGardener
People often ask me what to plant when they are just starting to garden. I always recommend peppers because they are reliable and prolific! My ideal number of jalepenos is one. I just need to make salsa when the tomatoes are ripe. Inevitably I have piles of jalepenos well before I am salsa ready. Peppers are also easy to give away.
#gardener #gardeningingeorgia #peppers #coolapeno #coolapenos #zone7b #harvest #growyourown #eatlocal #GwinnettCounty

Crank up the volume and help us raise money for children with life-threatening illnesses & their families. Support Camp Sunshine. The #rallynorthamerica total just passed $125k. Our team is over $2000, with a goal to add at least a grand to that by Friday. Donation link in bio.
#straightpipe #mercedes #amg #e63swagon #roadtrip #charity #makeamericafastagain #charityevent #campsunshine #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63samg #mercedesbenz #m157 #dji #straightpiped #exhaust #exhaustsound #longroofsociety #wagon #wagonlife #longroof

Crank up the volume and help us raise money for children with life-threatening illnesses & their families. Support Camp Sunshine. The #rallynorthamerica total just passed $125k. Our team is over $2000, with a goal to add at least a grand to that by Friday. Donation link in bio.
#straightpipe #mercedes #amg #e63swagon #roadtrip #charity #makeamericafastagain #charityevent #campsunshine #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63samg #mercedesbenz #m157 #dji #straightpiped #exhaust #exhaustsound #longroofsociety #wagon #wagonlife #longroof
Locking the broodies out of the coop for three days meant everyone was locked out. What’s a laying hen to do? Dig an adorable hole under the ramp and treat it like a group nesting box! Good job girls! I appreciate your efforts.
#fresheggs #Eastereggs #diggers #petchickens #smarties #egghunt #broodybreaking #greeneggs

Picking blueberries with Glo. Turn it up and listen to her sweet little chirps! (Yes, she has convinced me to lift her up to reach more berries. Fallen berries are for losers.)
#oliveegger #petchicken #gloriavanderbuilt #gardeningwithchickens #zone7b #spoiledrotten #chickentreats #gardeningsuprises #mychick #bestfriendgoals
Guess who is locked out of the coop? These idiots! They have the whole yard to run around in and they are standing three feet from the door to the coop in case it magically opens from the intensity of their glare. Not happening. Broody chickens are so focused!
#BroodyBunch #broodysquad #broodybesties #broodychicken #ruthbaderginsburg #silkies #brycedallashoward #whitelacedredcornish #petchicken #backyardchickens
You win this round, Nature. The combination of gravity, rain and squirrels was too much for my first round of corn. I got 6 ears for human consumption, about the same for chicken treats and then had to clean it out. Seconds round is already up and I have plans! Game on!
#corn #cornstalk #homegrowncorn #gardencart #gardenfail #zone7b #gardenpests #sweetcorn #keeptrying
I have all the stages of tomatoes! Ripe, almost ripe, unripe, flowery, and just planted. All the plants are looking pretty good and worms are being controlled. I don’t want to jinx it but this is the best start I’ve had in a while. Fingers crossed! Oh, and we had four ears of corn for dinner. Take that, wildlife!
#tomatoplants #homegrown #chocolatecherry #CherokeePurple #mysterytomatoes #zone7b #tomatosandwich #futurefood