Month: September 2019

Jesse’s Instagram

Now it feels like fall. I pulled nearly all the summer crops out of the garden today. I found a couple of onions, the last of the tomatoes, saved some marigolds seeds and rescued a gorgeous red bell pepper from the weeds. The peppers are still producing so they got to stay but that's about it! I need to go pick up some winter crop seedlings for the chickens winter snacks!

Now it feels like fall. I pulled nearly all the summer crops out of the garden today. I found a couple of onions, the last of the #CherokeePurple tomatoes, saved some marigolds seeds and rescued a gorgeous red bell pepper from the weeds. The peppers are still producing so they got to stay but that’s about it! I need to go pick up some winter crop seedlings for the chickens winter snacks!
#gardeningingeorgia #zone7b #fallingeorgia #bonnieplants #tinyfarmer #eatlocal

Aaron’s Instagram

Now that we're out of CA... We were supposed to run our 1984 300CD in the 40th anniversary of the cannonball but it's transmission had other ideas. So we loaded the E63 Wagon full of tools with the plan to help other teams on the run from NYC to LA. We helped a few teams but all before the crossing. As the sun came up on the second day I realized we could get a pretty good time so we picked up the pace and arrived at The Portofino in 33 hours and 2 minutes. What a way to see the country with a great group of people.

Now that we’re out of CA… We were supposed to run our 1984 300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha in the 40th anniversary of the cannonball but it’s transmission had other ideas. So we loaded the E63 Wagon full of tools with the plan to help other teams on the run from NYC to LA. We helped a few teams but all before the crossing. As the sun came up on the second day I realized we could get a pretty good time so we picked up the pace and arrived at The Portofino in 33 hours and 2 minutes. What a way to see the country with a great group of people. #cannonball #c2cexpress #mercedes #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon #e63s #amg

Aaron’s Instagram

Now that we're out of CA... We were supposed to run our 1984 300CD in the 40th anniversary of the cannonball but it's transmission had other ideas. So we loaded the E63 Wagon full of tools with the plan to help other teams on the run from NYC to LA. We helped a few teams but all before the crossing. As the sun came up on the second day I realized we could get a pretty good time so we picked up the pace and arrived at The Portofino in 33 hours and 2 minutes. What a way to see the country with a great group of people.

Now that we’re out of CA… We were supposed to run our 1984 300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha in the 40th anniversary of the cannonball but it’s transmission had other ideas. So we loaded the E63 Wagon full of tools with the plan to help other teams on the run from NYC to LA. We helped a few teams but all before the crossing. As the sun came up on the second day I realized we could get a pretty good time so we picked up the pace and arrived at The Portofino in 33 hours and 2 minutes. What a way to see the country with a great group of people. #cannonball #c2cexpress #mercedes #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63swagon #e63s #amg

Aaron’s Instagram

For those that knew what was being built for, her transmission lost 2nd and 3rd gear 45 miles into the trip to NYC. I tried to buy a parts car that day for a swap but ran out of time to make the start line so the E63 Wagon stepped in. All went well and we are currently hanging out in Los Angeles for a few days.

For those that knew what #ProjectDirtyBertha was being built for, her transmission lost 2nd and 3rd gear 45 miles into the trip to NYC. I tried to buy a parts car that day for a swap but ran out of time to make the start line so the E63 Wagon stepped in. All went well and we are currently hanging out in Los Angeles for a few days. #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63swagon #e63s

Aaron’s Instagram

For those that knew what was being built for, her transmission lost 2nd and 3rd gear 45 miles into the trip to NYC. I tried to buy a parts car that day for a swap but ran out of time to make the start line so the E63 Wagon stepped in. All went well and we are currently hanging out in Los Angeles for a few days.

For those that knew what #ProjectDirtyBertha was being built for, her transmission lost 2nd and 3rd gear 45 miles into the trip to NYC. I tried to buy a parts car that day for a swap but ran out of time to make the start line so the E63 Wagon stepped in. All went well and we are currently hanging out in Los Angeles for a few days. #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63swagon #e63s

Jesse’s Instagram

Becky with the Good Hair is an ICON! That 'do! That beard! The golden highlights! It's almost too much. Tone it down Becky.

Becky with the Good Hair is an ICON! That ‘do! That beard! The golden highlights! It’s almost too much. Tone it down Becky.
#PolishChicken #beckywiththegoodhair #BuffLacedPolish #petchicken #backyardchickens #chickenportrait #bearded #hotstuff

Jesse’s Instagram

You better lock up your roosters, Bryce is going out tonight! She's a real redhead and has legs for days.

You better lock up your roosters, Bryce is going out tonight! She’s a real redhead and has legs for days.
#brycedallashoward #WhiteLacedRedCornish #cornishhen #backyardchickens #petchicken #chickenportrait #covermodel #redhead #beautyqueen

Jesse’s Instagram

Bryce, for the millionth time, you cannot hatch Ruthie! She is your sister. You are both two years old. Why do I have to explain this to you? That protective wing is ridiculous!

Bryce, for the millionth time, you cannot hatch Ruthie! She is your sister. You are both two years old. Why do I have to explain this to you? That protective wing is ridiculous!
#broodies #BroodyBunch #broodybesties #broodychicken #petchicken #nestingbox #tinyfarm #silkie #WhiteLacedRedCornish #brycedallashoward #ruthbaderginsburg

Jesse’s Instagram

I feel very judged. I bet you feel very judged too. Violet is powerful beyond measure and her superpower is disapproval.

I feel very judged. I bet you feel very judged too. Violet is powerful beyond measure and her superpower is disapproval.
#VioletZindars #Cochin #petchicken #backyardchickens #mybestgirl #beautyqueen #sideeye #roosterspotting

Jesse’s Instagram

Semi-patiently waiting for a group of to ripen at the same time so I can eat them for a snack.

Semi-patiently waiting for a group of #sweetsnackingpeppers to ripen at the same time so I can eat them for a snack.
#orangepeppers #lunchbox #bellpeppers #bonnieplants #snackingpeppers #eattherainbow #homegrown #zone7b

Jesse’s Instagram

Girl gang. These four live together in the rooster free coop and choose to spend their free ranging time together too. I love all my chickens equally (but these are my favorites)! Top to bottom: Becky with the Good Hair, Violet Zindars, Donna Martin and Kahlo.

Girl gang. These four live together in the rooster free coop and choose to spend their free ranging time together too. I love all my chickens equally (but these are my favorites)! Top to bottom: Becky with the Good Hair, Violet Zindars, Donna Martin and Kahlo.
#squad #squadgoals #petchickens #PolishChicken #Cochin #silkie #partridgesilkie #besties #dirtbath #flockgoals #noboysallowed #beckywiththegoodhair #donnamartin

Jesse’s Instagram

Moving sale! While I respect Turkey Vultures as an important part of the ecosytem and recognize their common bird characteristics, they are terrifying nightmare-birds with freakishly large wingspans that cannot share my space. The monsters are napping in my front yard, waiting for the cover of darkness. I will begin packing. Goodbye house!

Moving sale! While I respect Turkey Vultures as an important part of the ecosytem and recognize their common bird characteristics, they are terrifying nightmare-birds with freakishly large wingspans that cannot share my space. The monsters are napping in my front yard, waiting for the cover of darkness. I will begin packing. Goodbye house!
#turkeyvulture #terror #unacceptable #carnivores #bigbird #nightmarebirds