Pickled Coolapeños! I don’t like hot peppers so when I saw the #coolapenos seedlings I knew they were for me! Then I had a pile on the counter and knew I needed a recipe. These are just a quick pickle with vinegar, sugar and salt. Easy to make and the result is crunchy and tangy but not hot. Winner!
#quickpickle #pickling #preservation #homegrown #zone7b #coolapeno #jalepeno #canning #farmtotable #bonnieplants #ballcanning

If you’re going to spend the evening with Dirty Bertha… I recommend long sleeves and a ski mask. Thanks to help last weekend from my brother @tukes23 and dad every ball joint, bearing and rubber component in the steering, driveline and suspension has been replaced along with an all new upgraded braking system. Should drive like a new 40 year old car… #mercedes #w123 #300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha
If you’re going to spend the evening with Dirty Bertha… I recommend long sleeves and a ski mask. Thanks to help last weekend from my brother @tukes23 and dad every ball joint, bearing and rubber component in the steering, driveline and suspension has been replaced along with an all new upgraded braking system. Should drive like a new 40 year old car… #mercedes #w123 #300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha
This is the most delicious pepper I have ever grown! Bonnie’s Lunchbox Orange Sweet Snacking Peppers. When waiting for peppers to turn colors I usually miss and end up with rotten peppers. This one is very forgiving. It is also super juicy, flavorful and very productive. I would plant lots of these! I bet they would sell for $6 a pint at a farmers market. Highly recommend.
#homegrown #peppers #snackingpeppers #sweetsnackingpeppers #orangepeppers #bonnieplants #zone7b #organicgardening #growningeorgia #tinyfarmer
We shall call this one organ donor… Taller ratio diff, higher stall torque converter, and various smaller parts going to #ProjectDirtyBertha. OM617A turbo diesel will find a home in one of my unimogs. If the body is lucky it will be motor swapped and sacrificed to lemons racing. #w123 #mercedes #om617a #300CD #300D
We shall call this one organ donor… Taller ratio diff, higher stall torque converter, and various smaller parts going to #ProjectDirtyBertha. OM617A turbo diesel will find a home in one of my unimogs. If the body is lucky it will be motor swapped and sacrificed to lemons racing. #w123 #mercedes #om617a #300CD #300D
There were three kittens at the park! My mile times were very bad but my smile times were much better than usual. I went back to look for them later but they had cleared out. No worries! They were bright eyed, active and well-fed. I am sure their supervisor was just on a break when I saw them.
#GwinnettCounty #kittens #freemansmillpark #animalphotography #straykittens

Just a minute of my girls eating a head of lettuce I skewered to the ground. I love all the little cameos as they circle for position and avoid those above them in the pecking order. Of course, separate lettuce was provided to those who cannot be near the rooster.
#petchickens #chickendrama #chickentreats #crazythingschickenpeopledo #iceberglettuce #SicilianButtercup #silkie #PolishChicken #snackcircle #petrooster #EvilRoo
This is new. Let’s call it terraced dust bathing. Normally they just fight about who gets to stand on top of the dirt pile but today they are digging themselves baths. If you have a compost pile you really should have chicken helpers. Their sworn enemy is The Pile. Over time they can easily take a five foot pile to the ground.
#petchicken #dustbath #silkie #WhiteLacedRedCornish #donnamartin #gloriavanderbuilt #wilgefortis #brycedallashoward #Gretchen #weeds #happychickens #compostpile
Mango pit: Before and After. I really don’t understand how the mango pit holds into so much flesh. It isn’t that big but it stubbornly keeps me from eating at least an ounce of fruit. If I didn’t have the velociraptors to share it with I would feel bad about all of that food waste. I wish mangos were more like avocados in the pit department.
#mango #mangopit #petchicken #experiment #mangochicken #oliveegger #SicilianButtercup #Cochin #chickensnacks #sharingiscaring #themoreyouknow

I really want to see what a mango pit looks like. The tiny velociraptors will clean it for me! Is this how you make Mango Chicken? Listen past 30 seconds to hear the rooster take credit for the treat. Men.
#petchickens #chickentreats #Violet #Gretch #gloriavanderbuilt #Kahlo #SoniaSotomayor #mango #backyardchickens #myflock #happychickens #fresheggs
I’ve never owned a car with a name but we’re calling this one Dirty Bertha after the wife of Karl Benz. 125 years ago she was the first person to drive an automobile a long distance and a driving force behind making Mercedes-Benz the company it is today. We’ve got big plans for this old turbo diesel #Mercedes #300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha #makeamericafastagain
I’ve never owned a car with a name but we’re calling this one Dirty Bertha after the wife of Karl Benz. 125 years ago she was the first person to drive an automobile a long distance and a driving force behind making Mercedes-Benz the company it is today. We’ve got big plans for this old turbo diesel #Mercedes #300CD #ProjectDirtyBertha #makeamericafastagain
I pathetically purchased #zucchini at the farmers market a week ago. With great shame, I told the farmer that all my plants had succumbed to vine borers. He said that his secret is coffee grounds. So, I raided all of the coffee makers at work for the used grounds and now my new zucchini and I smell like baristas. Will my zucchini be caffeinated?
#vineborer #homegrown #organicgardening #organicpestcontrol #coffeegrounds #recycling #upcycle #lilburnfarmersmarket #zone7b
Kahlo has been working on this look all day. You start with a perfect Polish poof then lightly dampen by drinking out of all available mud puddles. Please notice how her wattles are adorably buckled under her chin. I have no idea how she accomplished that. Supermodel.
#Kahlo #fridakahlo #whitecrestedblackpolish #PolishChicken #petchicken #chickenportrait #tinyfarmer #beetleblack #happyhens #bouffant #Poof
Thank goodness the rain filled this random bowl with water! Every single chicken has had a drink from it tonight. If it weren’t for this bowl, where would they get liquids? From those huge waterers I regularly wash and fill? I think not! Ridiculous. Everyone knows the best water is from mud puddles. Random bowls are a distant second.
#SicilianButtercup #Gretchen #silkie #silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #petchicken #rainwater #jerks