Harvest! There’s about two cups of #cucumelons there. I think I’ll take them to work and blow some minds! I’m going to have to explain light yellow #bellpeppers too. People expect certain things from their produce and I prefer the oddities.
#zone7b #mexicansourgherkin #zucchini #blackcherrytomato #basil #Burpless #gardener
I have no idea what this is or how it got here! It volunteered about 10 feet from my compost pile but I don’t recall ever planting a squash or pumpkin that looks like this. I guess I’ll wait until it matures to see what it turns into! Currently it is about the size of a softball.
#gardeningsuprises #squash #pumpkins #volunteersquash #zone7b #mysteryplant #gardeningingeorgia #MasterGardener
People often ask me what to plant when they are just starting to garden. I always recommend peppers because they are reliable and prolific! My ideal number of jalepenos is one. I just need to make salsa when the tomatoes are ripe. Inevitably I have piles of jalepenos well before I am salsa ready. Peppers are also easy to give away.
#gardener #gardeningingeorgia #peppers #coolapeno #coolapenos #zone7b #harvest #growyourown #eatlocal #GwinnettCounty

Crank up the volume and help us raise money for children with life-threatening illnesses & their families. Support Camp Sunshine. The #rallynorthamerica total just passed $125k. Our team is over $2000, with a goal to add at least a grand to that by Friday. Donation link in bio.
#straightpipe #mercedes #amg #e63swagon #roadtrip #charity #makeamericafastagain #charityevent #campsunshine #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63samg #mercedesbenz #m157 #dji #straightpiped #exhaust #exhaustsound #longroofsociety #wagon #wagonlife #longroof

Crank up the volume and help us raise money for children with life-threatening illnesses & their families. Support Camp Sunshine. The #rallynorthamerica total just passed $125k. Our team is over $2000, with a goal to add at least a grand to that by Friday. Donation link in bio.
#straightpipe #mercedes #amg #e63swagon #roadtrip #charity #makeamericafastagain #charityevent #campsunshine #e63amg #e63wagon #e63 #e63samg #e63samg #mercedesbenz #m157 #dji #straightpiped #exhaust #exhaustsound #longroofsociety #wagon #wagonlife #longroof
Locking the broodies out of the coop for three days meant everyone was locked out. What’s a laying hen to do? Dig an adorable hole under the ramp and treat it like a group nesting box! Good job girls! I appreciate your efforts.
#fresheggs #Eastereggs #diggers #petchickens #smarties #egghunt #broodybreaking #greeneggs