Both baby and mama Bun Bun made appearances today! Neither one has any interest in the chickens. But I do think they like the company. Why else would there be here? (Endless food supply. Safe from predators.)
#wildlifephotography #wildrabbits #petrabbits #petchicken #myflock #gardenpests #gardeningingeorgia #weedcontrol

I’ve done something terrible. Something beyond forgiveness. Something I may regret forever. I have removed a broody Silkie from her nest of nothing and asked her to drink some water. If you were not already aware of my crime then this top volume shrieking should fill you in. This has been going on for 20 minutes. There is nothing stopping her from returning to her imaginary brood except for her #tinyfury. Please Donna, stop with the drama!
#donnamartin #partridgesilkie #angrybird #Silkie #silkies #broody #broodychicken #chickendrama #petchicken #backyardchickens
Baby bunny! I know that these monsters ate all of my green beans and helped the squirrels destroy my corn but…baby bunny! This cutie surprised me by hopping out from under my chicken supervising chair. She’s about the size of my hand. The mother, Bun Bun, was on the other side of the fence eating a fallen tomato. Maybe I should plant them some more green beans?
#suckerforbabyanimals #babybunny #bunbun #gardenpests #wildrabbit #wildlifephotography #outdoorpets
At first I thought this was just shoddy work on a watermelon bowl but when I held it up I discovered that it was actually their first attempt at a picture frame! My CraftsChickens are so talented! I should get them an agent.
#petchickens #backyardpoultry #chickenportrait #chickensofinstagram #chickentreats #watermeloncarving #myflock #crafty #artproject
The corn thievery is now a felony! The squirrels are taking the merchandise across state lines! (Property lines = state lines. Squirrels are small.) They ate our entire second planting. Fist shake of anger!
#squirrelfood #gardenpests #homegrowncorn #stolenmerchandise #squirrel #gardeningingeorgia #zone7b
It is really hard to give just one chicken extra treats! Rosie is working on a little cup of oatmeal with scratch and I am defending. I have six chickens exiled to the garden, three locked in the coop, the rooster is corralling two hens and Big Red is over here supervising. Big Red does not jump and is therefore not a threat to the oatmeal at this height. She will take care of any bits that go astray. Please eat faster Rosie! Your sisters are hard to contain!
#petchicken #petchickens #treats #chickentreats #poundchicken #Gwinnettcounty #backyardpoultry #eatlocal #steelcutoats #scratch #handfeeding #tinyfarm
My Rosie feels a little puny today. She’s laying down, refusing treats and letting the other chickens walk near her. That is a behavior change! I am hoping it is just a light molt and the heat that is getting her down. She drank from the mud puddle I made her (That’s her preferred water source. Clean water is for pansies.) and her breathing is fine. The white on her feathers is from a dusting of Diotomacious Earth I did for #chickenlice. No one else has any issues. Please send good vibes!
#Rosie #poundchicken #adoptdontshop #petchicken #chickenportrait #backyardpoultry #myflock #diotomacious #gamebird
The other day I saw a squirrel climb a cornstalk, tear off an ear and then carry it away in his mouth. This is not a drive-through! Or a dine-is establishment! That’s my corn! And if I have to share, we should all wait until the ears are full size. That’s just smart.
#stupidsquirrel #backyardgarden #eatlocal #gardenpests #squirrelfood #jerks #homegrowncorn
Today I asked my CraftsChickens to make me a watermelon basket. In the first picture Glo, Gretch and Hawk are discussing strategy. Swipe to see the final result. These are self taught chickens with no formal training in sculpting or culinary arts. Pretty darn impressive. What’s next? Ice sculptures?
#petchickens #watermelon #crafty #watermelonbasket #oliveegger #SicilianButtercup #EasterEgger #backyardchickens #chickensnacks #craftschicks #chickswhocraft
Sonia hates it when I let the girls free range. It is so hard to keep track of them! He has to make so many fake treat sounds to keep them close.
#roosterproblems #SoniaSotomayor #silkierooster #freerangechickens #gardening #freshfood #happychickens #happyhens #foraging #petchickens #petrooster #peckingorder
The tool for the job. Pulled out my Ferri slope mower for some clean up at my neighbor’s house that I’ll be putting up for sale. Yes, I’m a full service real estate agent… If you’re looking for a large house on acreage and don’t mind having me for a neighbor 😎 drop me a line.
#johndeere #2032r #mower #flailmower #ferrimowers
The tool for the job. Pulled out my Ferri slope mower for some clean up at my neighbor’s house that I’ll be putting up for sale. Yes, I’m a full service real estate agent… If you’re looking for a large house on acreage and don’t mind having me for a neighbor 😎 drop me a line.
#johndeere #2032r #mower #flailmower #ferrimowers
The Thing I Did Not Plant has returned! You may remember it emerged from the compost pile a couple if years ago, was dumped in an unused corner of the garden where it inexplicably tripled in size, then had to be moved again for spring tilling. Most recently I moved its pile of dirt with a shovel to a flower bed under a tree and here it is again!
#lifefindsaway #Cannas #volunteer #zone7b #gardeningsuprises #hardyplants #gardeningsuperstar #cantbekilled
My official position on this walking nightmare is that you need to take your disco ball butt to the other side of the fence because I think there is a tiny spider army brewing in there. No thank you!
#spider #eggsac #Georgia #wildlife #wildlifephotography #discoball #relocated #arachnophobia #arachnid
So incredibly broody! Rosie is broody for the third time this summer. She has pulled every feather from her belly and refuses to stand up. She’s currently trying to hatch a branch in the isolation pen. I usually just let them brood for a while but it is too hot and she is too stubborn to wait it out. She would be a fearsome mother hen!
#poundchicken #gamebird #petchicken #backyardchickens #fresheggs #broodychicken #broodymonster
Do you see those hash marks all around the top of the circle? It seriously looks like someone Frankensteined a cherry tomato into this regular tomato. Fyi, I ate it anyway. It was delicious.
#frankenfood #CherokeePurple #homegrown #zone7b #gardeningsuprises #gardener #vegetablegarden #tomatoplants #eatlocal #heirloomtomato
This level of beauty does require some effort. And to think just a few months ago Rosie was a pound chicken looking for a home! If you are thinking about new chickens consider checking your local shelter before buying chicks. #adoptdontshop isn’t just for dogs and cats! Thanks for the tip @adoptabirdnetwork!
#Rosie #poundchicken #junglebird #turkey #preening #bosslady #broodychicken #petchicken #flock