366 days to 40. Time to get back at it with a 2000 calorie workout, fueled by apple pie for breakfast… If anyone wants to be my workout buddy on the myzones tracker let me know. They have a system that equals out points for people of different fitness levels. We have a new charity we’re working with if there is interest to put together a contest with monetary penalties (to a good cause) as motivation ๐
366 days to 40. Time to get back at it with a 2000 calorie workout, fueled by apple pie for breakfast… If anyone wants to be my workout buddy on the myzones tracker let me know. They have a system that equals out points for people of different fitness levels. We have a new charity we’re working with if there is interest to put together a contest with monetary penalties (to a good cause) as motivation ๐
I have provided Donna and Violet with their own personal quarters. They are fenced off from the despised (tiny) rooster. They have their own food, water and treats aplenty. I recently added this cozy nesting box so they aren’t exposed to the elements at night. (Neither one lays eggs. They are 7+ years old.) And look at them! They stand at the door giving me side eye like it might be a trap! It’s not a trap! I have been coddling and spoiling you for your entire lives! I don’t deserve this level of suspicion. Just get into the fresh straw and enjoy your incredibly pampered lives! Dammit.
#silkies #Cochin #donnamartin #Violet #nestingboxdrama #nestingboxes #cooplife #backyardchickens #myflock #sideeye #petchicken #silverlacedcochin

Broody v. Boot.
Ruthie is desperate to return to her zero eggs in the nesting box. The only access door is behind me. I am using my impenetrable boot to keep her away. She is full time angry clucking but at just six ounces of fury there is very little she can do! I just want her stay out for a while to get some fresh air and food. Is that so wrong? Why are silkies always SO broody?
#silkies #broodychicken #ruthbaderginsburg #mamahen #angrybird #bokbok #Silkie #petchicken #backyardchickens
The garden inspector stopped by today. She sampled all the greens, dug up some mulch, and deposited a little fertilizer. The garden received a passing grade but increased worm volume and longer available hours were recommended improvements. Glo is tough, but also bossy.
#oliveegger #petchicken #wintergarden #swisschard #brightlights #kale #brocoli #zone7b #snoopervisor #eatlocal #backyardchickens #tinyfarmer
The broccoli is not even trying. There are zero heads on any of these plants. Luckily the chickens are cool with broccoli greens as a snack. Other chicken snacks include some lucious green leaf lettuce and some kind of cabbage I don’t recognize.
#wintergarden #greenleaf #eatlocal #Chickenfood #chickensnacks #zone7b
The nightmare continues. So, the bottom is definitely the face end which means it has fake eyes on the butt end. It had those ugly front legs tucked in pretty well the other day. The leg stripes are a frightening revelation. Anyone have a summer home in Antarctica? I think there are no spiders there.
#spider #wildlifephotography #terror #furryspider #arachnid #arachnophobia #roommate #Gwinnettcounty #zone7b #territorial @alongcame_dolly_andchicks
My zombie chicken eats graaaaainz! Poor Grethen is molting hard and since her shoulder feathers came out it has revealed the long wing feathers below. It makes it look like her ribs are showing. This is also the moment she decided to sleep outside in the cold. She may actually be undead!
#SicilianButtercup #zombiechicken #petchicken #backyardchickens #molting #pinfeathers #nakedchicken

For my birthday I need a lift and maybe a larger fire extinguisher… After a month of sitting in the garage, I’m finally fixing the hole in my exhaust and the bonus hole in the floor I received from some road debris on our last road trip.
#tigwelding #e63wagon #e63amg #e63 #e63samg #e63s #mercedes #mercedesbenz #htpwelders
For my birthday I need a lift and maybe a larger fire extinguisher… After a month of sitting in the garage, I’m finally fixing the hole in my exhaust and the bonus hole in the floor I received from some road debris on our last road trip.
#tigwelding #e63wagon #e63amg #e63 #e63samg #e63s #mercedes #mercedesbenz #htpwelders