My gardening crew lacks focus, discipline, strength, and arms. They do not take direction. They mostly do what they want and try to escape. But they are super cute and they work for scratch.
#beckywiththegoodhair #SicilianButtercup #collardgreens #gardening #scratch #petchickens #chickensofinstagram #polishchickens
Rainy afternoon in the workshop. Granite surface plate under its protective cover. Fired up my new 2400 degree @evenheatkilns oven. Now to install the drive on the @tormach 1100 for the new 8 inch tilting 4th axis. #heattreatment #evenheat #KO22.5 #surfaceplate #metrology #tormachmill #instamachinist
Rainy afternoon in the workshop. Granite surface plate under its protective cover. Fired up my new 2400 degree @evenheatkilns oven. Now to install the drive on the @tormach 1100 for the new 8 inch tilting 4th axis. #heattreatment #evenheat #KO22.5 #surfaceplate #metrology #tormachmill #instamachinist
Weeds. It’s what’s for dinner.
The chicken area does not have a single speck of greenery remaining so I have to pitchfork in weeds from the other side of the fence. Luckily the garden area has plenty of weeds to go around.
#petchicken #myflock #salad #cochins #oliveegger #EasterEgger #SicilianButtercup #silkierooster #chickensofinstagram

Ladies, try to contain yourselves. Sonia is showing Wilga her powerful rooster kick and circle dance. It is just so…impressive. Swoon. I don’t know how Wilga resisted. (Also, check out the stare down Sonia gives me before heading back to her flock. Jerk.)
#petrooster #silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #roosterdance #petchicken #courting #roostersofinstagram #chickenvideo
Hey Glo, did you somehow escape from the chicken area?
Yes. I tiptoed behind you, crept through the run into the coop and then escaped through a door you left cracked open. That is what you get for taking your eyes off of me for one minute. Now I am enjoying free range in the garden! You’ll never catch me! Ha ha ha!
#gloriavanderbuilt #Gloria #oliveegger #petchicken #backyardchickens #chickensofinstagram #chasingchickens #Gwinnettcounty #chickenportrait
I stepped on this awesome nail filled board and now my right boot has a little extra ventilation. Maybe I should upgrade to pink and sparkly like @thekeetlifefarm? These are my favorite @crocs though. They slip on and off and come almost to my knees. They used to be waterproof. Now I am sad.
#gardenboots #gardendangers #crocs #chickenchores #wellies #gumboots #chickenboots #tetanus
Because I love them, I gave them a flock block and cleaned the whole coop today. Because they have no choice, they gave me three eggs. And then complained non-stop about how strange the coop smelled and that I didn’t put the perches back just right. Happy Valentine’s Day!
#petchickens #backyardchickens #myflock #flockblock #EasterEgger #chickensofinstagram #gardeninggloves #valentinesday #spoiledrotten
Me: Glo, can I please be in the #chickenselfiesunday post this week?
Glo: No. I am the chicken and it is a picture of myself.
Me: But wants the human too.
Glo: No chance. I am perfection.
Me: You’ve got a little dirt…nevermind. You look great.
#gloriavanderbuilt #oliveegger #petchicken #spoiledchickens #splayleg #chickenportrait #chickensofinstagram #attentionhog #superstar

A minute of Donna Martin working the chicken piñata. This elaborate set up is a head of cabbage, with a hole drilled through it, hanging from a shoelace. It usually takes them a full day to demolish it and it distracts then from picking on each other. Cheap toys.
#petchicken #donnamartin #Silkie #cooplife #chickentoys #rainydayactivities #backyardchickens #chickensofinstagram #spoiledchickens #cabbage #eatlocal
Sonia: Come at me bro.
Me: You are a tiny silkie.
Sonia: Try me.
Me: These are MY hens.
Sonia: F that noise.
Me: Are you doing steroids? You seem…edgy.
Sonia: *biting, flying, flapping, vicious attack*
Me: bleeding
Any advice for making friends with my Napolean complex rooster? I seem to be losing the upper hand.
#silkierooster #SoniaSotomayor #shortmansyndrome #napoleoncomplex #comb #wattles #Silkie #petchicken #petrooster
Some chickens are lucky that egg laying does not have a commission based compensation program. The giant on the right is definitely a #doubleyolker and it is the third one! Those two little brown sparrow sized eggs are ridiculous and the green and blue are just perfection! I love them all, but seriously, those tiny ones?
#eggvignette #oliveegger #mintygreenegg #TinyEggs #doubleyolk #petchickens #fresheggs #happychickens #freeloaders