Nature walk! These flower clusters were each the size of a pencil eraser. I didn’t realize they were individual flowers until I looked at the picture! The #LancasterCountyPark has excellent trails, waterways and wildlife. Highly recommend.
#naturewalk #flowers #Lancaster #wildflowers #zoomin #LGphone #isawadeer
Can you see the Blue Tailed Skink? Bottom middle. Swipe for a zoom in. This cute guy lives on this log and survives by hiding under the bark when a chicken comes around. I caught him sunning this morning when I went to give Becky her antibiotics.
#nature #skink #bluetailedskink #lizard #tinyfarm #outdoorpets #pestcontrol #goodneighbors
I was trying to give Becky a little alone time with the feeder. She had to go to the vet today because she seems to have an inner ear infection. (See my last video for her dizzy and ear scratching symptoms.) Her alone time lasted about 30 seconds. Glo thinks she has rights and will not be denied!
#petchickens #spoiledrotten #sisters #gloriavanderbuilt #beckywiththegoodhair #buffPolish #chickenvet #GwinnettCounty

Hey @chickendvm, can you tell me why Becky is so wobbly? She steps on her own feet and constantly wants to sit down. Can you see the calluses forming in her knees? Does she need vitamins? Maybe a thighmaster? Anyone else have any ideas? Also, at about 20 seconds when she steps on the #SilverGreyDorking? That’s awesome.
#polishchicken #houdan #myflock #tinyfarm #petchicken #bighairproblems #beckywiththegoodhair #chicks
These two seem to have been caught plotting! That’s Sonia Sotomayor the Silkie and as yet unnamed (must be something Spanish) #blackcrestedwhitepolish. I think Sonia is the mastermind of whatever is in the works.
#petchickens #myflock #Silkie #silkies #PolishChickens #SoniaSotomayor #doubletrouble #uptonogood #chickensaredinosaurs
This is an Easter Egger. (I think.) She pretty much hates my guts. (I’m sure.) And she is much faster than me. (Experience speaking.) She looks a little like a hawk, right? I think her name might be Sophie B. Hawkins! (Emphasis on the Hawk.) #petchickens #EasterEgger #araucana #sophiebhawkins #icaughther #GwinnettCounty #tinyfarmer #myflock
It took the babies 20 minutes to find this melon and another 10 to decide it wasn’t a trap. Meanwhile, Vi sensed when purchased it and had been expecting it all afternoon. It took 15 seconds for her to take command once I let her out. I know Vi is a Cochin but she is really a Fatty-Boom-Blatty. Also pictured, getting no melon, Sonia, Ruthie, Glo, the #EasterEgger and the #Faverolle.
#breedstandards #silkies #cantaloupe #chickentreats #GwinnettCounty #backyardchickens #petchickens #itsnotatrap

Turn it up! One minute of my adult chickens being complete weirdos! Donna, the Silkie, is super mad because she is broody and I made her go outside. I have no idea what Violet is complaining about. She usually ignores Donna’s outbursts. With hens this loud, who needs roosters?
#backyardchickens #cochins #Silkie #noroostersallowed #broodyhens #broody #myflock #donnamartin #quietplease @mcmurray_hatchery @rooandcrew
I find this a touch creepy. That’s Alejandra on the right, a few steps back from the new #whitecrestedblackpolish. They have very similar movements. I worry that one of them may be the bad clone.
#petchickens #PolishChickens #twins #clones #badclone #backyardpoultry #malabarspinach #goldenhour #creeper
Indroducing Bryce Dallas Howard the chicken! Specifically this is Bryce Dallas Howard from #JurassicWorld. Beautiful, but a little awkward because they made her wear a pencil skirt and heels to run around the jungle. Seriously! I would have been like “One sec. I have gym clothes in the car. Ok. Now we can get those #velociraptors.” But I digress. Bryce is a lovely redhead, rather leggy and loves to run like a dinosaur. Hi Bryce!
#petchickens #brycedallashoward #redhead #trex #jurassicpark #lostworld #chickensaredinosaurs #breedunknown